0.5.9 Release Canditate Testing

0.5.9 is approaching so it is time to do the usual pre-release testing. Note that this time we expect to break save compatibility between the rc1 and 0.5.9 release. So either don’t put too much time into saves with the RC or be mentally prepared to not be able to load them in 0.5.9. With that out of the way some of the most major things you’ll see are the engulfment revamp, procedural patch map, cilia, and continued work on the prototypes. Of course there’s a bunch more other changes included as well.

Here are the downloads:

Linux: https://dev.revolutionarygamesstudio.com/api/v1/download/35242
SHA3: 38ddb32b1dd72980130c9d3456a1c034f04f5087d9e6f815c939579b5e90e6fe

Windows: https://dev.revolutionarygamesstudio.com/api/v1/download/35244
SHA3: 401d4cc1df2787ae896544279fdbb43515ea685760c22addc497b2c27aee62ec

Windows (32-bit): https://dev.revolutionarygamesstudio.com/api/v1/download/35245
SHA3: f1021d3a15e2593526d27d06656801ef978508c8f3dbbeaeb78c50cde9a6a9b5

Mac: https://dev.revolutionarygamesstudio.com/api/v1/download/35243
SHA3: 85bba4b8bcb929a201467aa82d401a0e3688ac55354c162ed82c096e3e5c6c35

Also available as the beta version from Steam and itch.

As always testing should focus on major bugs, especially crashes. And we’ll try to fix them before 0.5.9 is released. We already know quite a few small and a bit bigger (auto-evo getting slower than before, especially with the larger new maps) issues we’ll try to fix.


I’ll just add that I’m particularly interested in two things:

  • Feedback on the difficulty presets in new game settings. Let me know if easy, normal and hard are as difficult as they should be, and if you use the custom view to find a configuration that you feel fits one of these better, please share.
  • How often the Easter egg spawns. Let me know if you see one and how long you’ve been playing to get to it. You’ll know when you see it.

the now what i tested:

  1. hard mode if hard, especially if u start in the warm litle pools
  2. it see like the spread of the cells if u die right after u enter a new patch, make some of the play not ez to deal.
  3. this stuff:

4. I don’t feel like the G key (ingecden) of the AI have adapt to the new one. they just give up after they toght the object

but over all, its feel very fresh and exsiding

I dest it to 500 million so far


the spawn just madness

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(This post was pointless)

I don’t know if it’s intentional, but the “Sound → Music volume” option also affects the gallery background music AND music samples.

Also (this is my opinion) I think the gallery background music is too loud and distracting, and gets especially messy if you’re trying to listen to the audio samples.

Edit: my mistake, it doesn’t affect the music samples.

Mac version does not work. It tells me that the “Thrive” is damaged and cannot be opened.

You’ll need to be a bit of an experienced mac user to get Thrive to work there. I think the first step is that you should not use Apple’s zip extraction software as it makes the game unrunnable.

I tried out the release candidate. First off: found the easter egg bout 20minutes in easter-egg — ImgBB
second ill start talking about the release candidate: Easy mode feels rather similar to normal mode. Playing the hardest possible (setting every setting to the hardest) feels like a fun challenge. I love the new parts. The game actually feels a lot funner than before.
Also it took me a minute to figure out the patch map.

I think i found a bug then I put a binding aighnt on my cell (I succufly make the bug 2 time)


Playing bundled Thrive version

Thrive is running. Log output:

Process Started

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1779200

SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198151594236 [API loaded no]

Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[0].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[1].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[2].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[3].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[4].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[5].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[6].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.Camera.ObjectToFollow.engulfedObjects[7].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.DynamicEntities[25].expelledObjects[0].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.DynamicEntities[25].expelledObjects[1].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.DynamicEntities[25].expelledObjects[2].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.DynamicEntities[33].expelledObjects[0].Object.NodeGroups Ignoring save property at: MicrobeEditor.ReturnToStage.DynamicEntities[43].engulfedObjects[0].Object.NodeGroups Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () [0x00013] in <1400ea11d6fd49d4939be686a9549fb4>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x0004a] in <1400ea11d6fd49d4939be686a9549fb4>:0 at Microbe.ClearEngulfedObjects () [0x0005f] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage.UpdatePatchSettings (System.Boolean promptPatchNameChange) [0x00040] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage.SetupStage () [0x00098] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage._Ready () [0x00065] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) Godot.NativeCalls.godot_icall_2_441(intptr,intptr,intptr,bool) at Godot.Node.AddChild (Godot.Node node, System.Boolean legibleUniqueName) [0x00011] in <255400c4320c44b8897009d693c12504>:0 at SceneManager.SwitchToScene (Godot.Node newSceneRoot, System.Boolean keepOldRoot) [0x00027] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at EditorBase2[TAction,TStage].OnEditorExitTransitionFinished () [0x00092] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager+Sequence.StartNext () [0x00094] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager+Sequence.Process () [0x00087] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager._Process (System.Single delta) [0x00019] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () [0x00013] in <1400ea11d6fd49d4939be686a9549fb4>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x0004a] in <1400ea11d6fd49d4939be686a9549fb4>:0 at Microbe.ClearEngulfedObjects () [0x0005f] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage.UpdatePatchSettings (System.Boolean promptPatchNameChange) [0x00040] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage.SetupStage () [0x00098] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at MicrobeStage._Ready () [0x00065] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) Godot.NativeCalls.godot_icall_2_441(intptr,intptr,intptr,bool) at Godot.Node.AddChild (Godot.Node node, System.Boolean legibleUniqueName) [0x00011] in <255400c4320c44b8897009d693c12504>:0 at SceneManager.SwitchToScene (Godot.Node newSceneRoot, System.Boolean keepOldRoot) [0x00027] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0

Godot Engine v3.4.4.stable.mono…3089e490a - https://godotengine.org

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

Mono: Log file is: ‘C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Thrive/mono/mono_logs/2022-07-09_17.45.25_180968.log’

This is Thrive version:

Startup C# locale is: en-US Godot locale is: en_US

user:// directory is: C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Thrive

Game logs are written to: C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Thrive\logs latest log is ‘log.txt’

Doing delayed apply for some settings

Set audio output device to: Default

Set C# locale to: en Godot locale is: en

Starting Steam load

Steam load finished

Game is owned by current Steam user

Our app id is: 1779200

Loaded registry for Compound with 12 items

Loaded registry for Enzyme with 4 items

Loaded registry for MembraneType with 6 items

Loaded registry for Background with 11 items

Loaded registry for Biome with 11 items

Loaded registry for BioProcess with 15 items

Loaded registry for OrganelleDefinition with 25 items

Loaded registry for MusicCategory with 7 items

Loaded registry for HelpTexts with 6 items

Loaded registry for NamedInputGroup with 8 items

Loaded registry for Gallery with 3 items

Loaded registry for DifficultyPreset with 4 items

SimulationParameters loading ended

SimulationParameters are good

Loading mod Nodes into the scene tree

Jukebox now playing from: Menu

Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/main-menu-theme-1.ogg position: 0

TaskExecutor started with parallel job count: 2

Starting load of save: auto_save_1.thrivesave

Starting microbe editor with: 14 organelles in the microbe

Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor

load finished, success: True message: Load finished elapsed: 00:00:04.0934919

Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-2.ogg position: 0

Placing organelle ‘bindingAgent’ at: 1, -1

Placing organelle ‘lysosome’ at: 2, -3

MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species

MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component

MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component

MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Gagovorgolese Ice Shelf

CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component

Edited species name is now Ubula lomia

MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Ubula lomia

Player Microbe spawned

World generation settings: [LAWK: False, Difficulty preset: Normal, Life origin: Vent, Seed: 1674483739, MP multiplier: 1, AI mutation multiplier: 2, Compound density: 1, Player death population penalty: 1, Glucose decay: 0.8, Osmoregulation multiplier: 1, Free glucose cloud: True, Map type: Procedural, Include Multicellular: True, Easter eggs: True]

Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage

Previous patch (Gagovorgolese Mesopelagic) different to current patch (Gagovorgolese Ice Shelf) despawning all entities.

Applying patch (Gagovorgolese Ice Shelf) settings

Number of clouds in this patch = 9

Registering new spawner: Name: ammonia density: 0.4

Registering new spawner: Name: glucose density: 0.1310719

Registering new spawner: Name: phosphates density: 0.4

hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

oxygen spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

sunlight spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

temperature spawn density is 0. It won’t spawn

Number of chunks in this patch = 5

Registering new spawner: Name: FLOATING_HAZARD density: 0.5

Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0.2

Registering new spawner: Name: ICESHARD density: 1

Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0.2

Registering new spawner: Name: GOOGLY_EYE_CELL density: 0.01

Number of species in this patch = 4

Registering new spawner: Name: 2 density: 0.03113515

Registering new spawner: Name: 27 density: 0.02099244

Registering new spawner: Name: 13 density: 0.02334084

Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0.0373433

at EditorBase`2[TAction,TStage].OnEditorExitTransitionFinished () [0x00092] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager+Sequence.StartNext () [0x00094] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager+Sequence.Process () [0x00087] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0 at TransitionManager._Process (System.Single delta) [0x00019] in <64cda88277fc4f0d81305bdce0df0247>:0

src\steamnetworkingsockets\clientlib\steamnetworkingsockets_lowlevel.cpp (3238) : Trying to close low level socket support, but we still have sockets open!

src\steamnetworkingsockets\clientlib\steamnetworkingsockets_lowlevel.cpp (3238) : Trying to close low level socket support, but we still have sockets open!

child process exited with code 1

I hope its help

Playing about fifteen minutes, found the easter egg. Also bug wise, can go to -5 MP in the fluidity/rigity slider if you move your cursor onto the extremes with less then the amount it would need. Also following a patch extinction the population meter on the right is showing a population of 0.

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Btw, how does macroscopic gameplay look like?

you are able to survive with thermosythesis alone


I don’t think this one is a bug

yeah its possible but really only makes sense in the hydrothermal vents

The icon for ingested material is temporary, right?

There is no gameplay yet, just the 3D editor prototype

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Something’s weird. I got to 20 cells but it wouldn’t show the “become macroscopic” sign. Anyone else with this problem?

guys i found a friend :smiley:
(but fr this image isnt faked)

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Did you play in freebuild? You still can’t advance stages in freebuild. Did you actually get into multicellular even? You have to be multicellular before you can become macroscopic.

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