0.7.0 General Feedback Thread

With 0.7.0 being just released, it is time again to have this general feedback thread where anyone with something to say about the new release can post their feedback.

Full patch notes (devblog is coming later today):


Still havent played it yet (iā€™m gonna edit this post when i do) but whoever it was that thought in naming it meshes and miches is a total genius.


Here my feedback from the new upgreat:

I tried to go for everything on iron.
One death nearly killed me because when you spawn, it only refers to glucose and those who are all on iron, get nothing and just die on the spot if youā€™re unlucky (something that almost happened to me).
Second, it seems that there is still a bit of glitch in multi-cells, that the placement of the cells after a certain number causes them to jump to the wrong place and stay there (pictures prove it)
Third - it seems that too much myfiber causes my creature to ā€˜flyā€™ very fast to the point where it gets out of control and spins like a spinning top or a gyroscope.
Fourth, it seems that the Feel command does not exactly function when in multiple cells, no matter how many times I do it (first picture)
Fifth and last - it seems that endosymbiosis needs to be buffed - cells die out too quickly for me to be able to use them.

Besides, Iā€™m Speed ā€‹ā€‹Boy, too much muscle power.


Can you provide more details because this should not happen? The initial resources should have been for multiple releases based on the usage of resources of the cells, there is no longer hardcoded giving glucose on spawn.

I think this is the really old problem that everyone keeps reporting:

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you can use up stamina by trying to sprint while using the mucocyst

I will try as much as I can.
Since I was going for 100% iron and only one cytazol cell, so an almost absolute percentage was iron based.
So every time I died in these stages, I was with 0% glucose and 0% iron almost every time, if I wasnā€™t near iron clouds

There was even one instance where I was near an iron cloud, but the currents just moved in the other direction from my direction.

In general, he didnā€™t grant me even a small amount of iron every time I died to survive.

Thatā€™s all that happened.
Since itā€™s always written that it takes about 90% from glucose, and not from the main energy source, I guess thatā€™s what comes out - iron doesnā€™t count at all and for that, Iā€™ve always been in a spawn of 0 iron.

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Are you planning to make an apple build yet? I tried to install 0.7.0 on my laggy old windows laptop but that was a pain to play on

pwease hygjsuwhebjain :pray: :pleading_face:

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There is just one slight problem I can see with the initial compounds code: it assumes the species is in the vents (https://github.com/Revolutionary-Games/Thrive/blob/754f93ebb94a868a3d4ab3857babadea2b6e86ff/src/microbe_stage/MicrobeSpecies.cs#L160) But thereā€™s nothing I can see that could explain what you are describing.

Please show a screenshot of your species in the editor so that I can replicate it.

The situation has not changed from:

I hope its helps

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Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m not sure i understand the actual situation, itā€™s described vaguely at best and as I read it itā€™s just ā€œthe mac builds are broken sometimes and not enough time to make oneā€

If there actually isnā€™t enough time between releases, maybe only build the major releases like 0.7.0

I still wanna see 0.7.0 on mac at some point

Ever since the ECS refactor, the mac version has not been reimplemented at all. So there wonā€™t be any mac releases again until the Thrive code is made to work on mac again.

I posted the other thread link as it links to this:

Which explains the mac situation, but tl;dr; we donā€™t officially promise we make mac versions, but that can change if thereā€™s enough demand shown by mac gamers on Steam.

It does, thanks. With that I was able to find the bug:

For some reason the compound balance related to the ferroplast is calculated as it consuming 0 iron. Thatā€™s why the initial resources to give end up incorrect. Iā€™ve opened a bug:


A post was merged into an existing topic: 0.6.4 and up to 0.7.0 is not available for Mac (yet)

apparently AI species can just get rid of their nuclei?

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I found the root cause of the bug and have made a fix:


That was fast :slight_smile:
we can do now all iron again :slight_smile:

So far, I have only completed one playthrough in, so my experience may change with more playthroughs. This playthrough used the minimum AI mutation value and maximum compound cloud value. Also, I can only play in OpenGL mode, so the issues I have witnessed may be only applicable in OpenGL mode.

  1. I have noticed that AI cells do not use the Mucocyst when being engulfed, even though they have the organelle. This was observed with point 2 below.
  2. When I, or an AI cell, engulf another AI cell, other AI cells rush towards the ejected cell chunks. This occurs regardless of cell size, which should not be the case, as smaller cells should avoid larger cells. This ā€œbugā€ leads to a hilarious situation of allowing me to effectively set a trap and lure smaller cells toward me for engulfment. Once another cell is engulfed, I can repeat the situation all over again.
  3. There appears to be a lag between what the metabolism screen is showing, and the actual conditions at the moment. When I pause organelles, it takes a second or two for the
    metabolism menu to update. I often need to close and reopen the metabolism menu/screen in order for the metabolism to be updated.
  4. Related to point 3, paused organelles still sometimes show that they are active, especially after entering or re-entering a patch. Toggling the organelles from an active to paused state seems to correct this bug.
  5. Another point on the metabolism screen/menu is that it is completely blank when opening it. This does not occur every time the metabolism screen is opened, and it is fixed by simply closing and reopening the metabolism menu. However, this bug occurs often enough to be bothersome.
  6. I do not know if this is the intended behavior of the new pausing metabolism mechanic, but new organelles are often paused without player involvement.
  7. I like that there are so many new species splitting off of the player now, literally every turn! I hope this does not make save files too large and lag games.
  8. Also, AI cells now evolve flagella, even at the lowest mutation rate! That never happened to me in previous updates unless I turned the AI mutation to max.
  9. Related to point 8, is speed now included in species fitness? I noticed that adding a flagella to my species increased its fitness.

The AI was not updated to know about this:

This is basically the case with almost all new features: they get added but no one wants to update the AI. I do still allow these kinds of changes because I donā€™t think blocking everything until the AI can use them would make much sense (as it probably wonā€™t increase AI development speed that much so weā€™d have half baked AI use of these features or a huge backlog of features that would be added to the game as soon as the AI is done).

Chunks ejecting due to engulfment is a bug:

Can you describe this more? What would you like to see instead? Cell process speed values are shown as the average values over the last little while (I canā€™t immediately remember how long this is). That is done because most process speeds fluctuate an actual ton during even a single second, so it would be impossible to see the numbers without any averaging.

This is probably caused by / related to:

Iā€™ve never seen this bug. Could you provide your game logs from when this happened as I think there was some error that prevented the panel setup from running correctly? The only way for me to figure out what went wrong would be to see an exception (C# error) in the game logs.

Can you describe this more? Like organelles of a paused process, will also be automatically paused? If you mean that then that is fully the intended behaviour and we have gotten bug reports from people who didnā€™t have this working consistently. So if you want the opposite to happen, I donā€™t think we can accommodate thatā€¦

Did you notice any problems related to this? The new auto-evo algorithm starts taking quite a while after generation 15 in my tests when compared to the old one.

Speed was used in various energy sources in the old auto-evo. And well, now there are also multiple miches that take movement speed of species into account when calculating fitness.

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Ah. I did not know that. Maybe the metabolism is lagging for me due to my older computer and being in OpenGL mode.

Would my game file be sufficient? I will upload it later since I need to find it first, as it takes a long time to search for files on my computer.

I just observed that recently added organelles are sometimes paused by the game without me pausing them before hand. For me, this was immediately noticeable after adding rusticyanin. Unless the game automatically pauses organelles that do not immediately have their intended consumables as an advantage to the player.

I have noticed that the save times take longer after several generations. Also, the lag does start to increase, and fps visible decreases. I may test to see the performance of the game using the very large world seed I found earlierā€¦ Assuming my computer does not explode in the processā€¦

Save times usually take longer the more there is to store, so the first point is normal. Iā€™m not sure how thrive is coded but this seems like that data isnā€™t being loaded/unloaded properly

im too scared to use the word memory leak because im not that big of a programmer

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