A discussion on the implementation of dynamic event mechanics (weather/day cycle)

In regards to a few suggestions on the suggestion board:
Weather: (Weather System · Thrive Suggestions)

Day Cycle: (Day/night cycle for microbes to nerf photosynthesis · Thrive Suggestions)

I think there is a general desire in the community that dynamic systems are beneficial to the game, however we cannot ignore that these effects would (weather more so that time) only greatly affect the surface patches. But my proposition is this, instead of implementing a weather system in these early stages, random events of some sort (mineral over abundance, or severe lack of minerals) or small to medium changes of patch conditions (O2 etc…) could occur with the progression of time, giving more emphasis on the aspect of time within the game, being introduced by the day night system. E.g. a cell could be swimming around for a few days and randomly for 1-2 days a certain mineral chunk could have a massive abundance. Implementing this system of random periods of abundance and scarcity puts greater emphasis on cell storage as current vacuoles serve almost no function as once a cell can evolve, the player will, resetting all storage. This system primarily should effect medium to large cells and colonies, acting as a further direct player challenge outside of AI, hopefully this creates a better experience especially in low cell populated areas. Acting as a way for dramatic tension to still occur in these areas of desolation


I actually think the weather events only impacting the surface patches is not a bad thing because it just reflects evolution. No place is perfect so some places are less desirable than others and are only filled by those who happen to seize the opportunity for an uninhabited niche.

THAT SAID… Random events would also be great. I think that weather should exist alongside random events. I know random events are planned but I think currently they’re also somewhat weather based? Things like volcanoes, acid rain, etc. Not so much random scarcities.