Discuss Thrive as you imagine it could be someday.
Honestly, I think Thrive should have the ability to create servers, as well as a single player mode. That way we would be allowed to play with our friends/others but still have the option to play with computer generated species. Each person could be put on a random planet in the galaxy, and that planet would not have any previous edits on it from any space-stage civilisation.
I imagine trave as a game where there is both single player and multiplayer. How exactly is this supposed to work? There is a planet, it is also a server on which people play, creating each of their species, or adjoining existing ones. The space stage here is implemented a little differently than in the main game
That is, the space stage is a combination of all servers (a planet and its star system) and a global hub, that is, when leaving the system, the player finds himself in space through which he can get to any other server as an alien with a ship. The cosmos stage works differently than in Spore, that is, there are much more intelligent species, and they continue to exist if they are not destroyed by others. But the interest of playing on servers will be precisely in survival on the planet, and not in the creation of space empires, which, of course, is also possible, but far from being as interesting as life on the planet. Or, you can make only the space stage multiplayer, but it seems to me that it would be much more interesting to play on the planet, at least for me, the creature stage has always been the most loved and interesting in Spore, and I would be very happy to really see a game similar to the Earth from the series of videos “Earth is a game”, who knows, he will understand what I’m talking about
my idea is somewhat similar to yours, but different in some ways, but the meaning is the same, which means that I’m not the only one who would like to see multiplayer in the game
I can see us playing as something that is not a plant, nor an animal, and a fungi neither. Just some creature that doesn’t fit in any kingdom we know.
And how could it be otherwise? Each branch of development on each planet is a separate taxon (for example, you can introduce the concept of tellubionts (organisms from the Earth) and so on with different planets), and each planet will have its own “kingdoms” and so on. Although, in the case when we can observe evolution, I think we should follow cladistic principles and refuse specific names for taxa
one feature to make stopping bugs that reloading fixes would be to add a quick reload button that makes a quick save then loads the save and once it is reloaded the quick save is deleted