
Since there’s usually not a lot of conversation about the microbe stage, which I feel like should be the most talked about, since it’s the only stage we actually know stuff about for sure, I decided to create this thread. This thread is for discussing / thinking up new agents. There’s this list from the wiki:

Agent Upgrades Effect Target
Attacker Neutralizer Neutralizes all attacker type agent clouds its cloud comes into contact with, removing their effect. Attacker type agents
Bioluminescent Agent Stored in a vacuole, making it light up with constant ATP draining. Can provide “sunlight” for nearby photosynthesizers.
Bonding Signal Attaches two or more cells of the same species together to form a colony. Nuclei
Carbonate Releases calcium carbonate into the environment, solidifying to form solid structures. Made from calcium carbonate, unlike all other agents.
Carbonate Digester Increased speed Breaks down carbonate structures into their constituent compounds. Calcium carbonate
Chloroplast Inhibitor Increased inhibition Slows processing speed for a short period. Chloroplasts
Cilia Attacker Increased speed Reduces health level, eventually turning off the organelle. Cilia
Cyanide (Inhibitor) Increased inhibition Slows processing speed for a short period. Made from the compound hydrogen cyanide instead of the usual agent production method. Mitochondria
Flagella Attacker Increased speed Reduces health level, eventually turning off the organelle. Flagella
Inhibitor Neutralizer Neutralizes all inhibitor type agent clouds its cloud comes into contact with, removing their effect. Inhibitor type agents
Kinase (Attacker) Increased speed Gradually wears down a membrane and cytoskeleton until a cell bursts. Cytoskeleton
Lure Signal Sends a message attracting nearby cells, either as a lure or a signal of high compound concentrations. Has no effect on the player. AI can evolve a different response. Nuclei
Mitochondria Attacker Increased speed Reduces health level, eventually turning off the organelle. Mitochondria
Organelle Digester Increased speed Breaks down floating organelles into useful compounds. Floating organelles
Paralytic (Inhibitor) Increased inhibition Slows processing speed for a short period. All movement organelles
Signal Neutralizer Neutralizes all signal type agent clouds its cloud comes into contact with, removing their effect. Signal type agents
Slime Blocks engulfing edges. Stored in slime gland, a specialised vacuole which explodes upon contact with an enemy. Engulfing edges
Stimulant Increased stimulation Increases processing speed for a short period. All internal organelles
Thermoplast Inhibitor Increased inhibition Slows processing speed for a short period. Only available if LAWK toggle is disabled. Thermoplasts
Toxin (Attacker) Increased speed Reduces health level, eventually turning off the organelle. All internal organelles
Warning Signal Sends a warning to all nearby cells that a predator or other danger is near, making them swim away. Has no effect on the player. AI can evolve a different response. Nuclei

as a starting point, but it may be out of date. So, as a start: First of all, I think the idea was to remove the “Can provide “sunlight” for nearby photosynthesizers.”-effect from the bioluminescent agent, because it’s pretty unrealistic.
I also feel like we should remove a lot of the “…-inhibitors”, and replace them with just a general “organelle inhibitor”, which you then have to assign which organelle it inhibits yourself, and the same going for the “…-attacker” agents.


I like the idea of simplifying the attacker/inhibotor agents. It seems like in the long run that would be more user friendly having the basic idea of knowing what the agent does, then having them choose which organelle to target.

My thoughts on the agent/toxin organelle and the idea of various agents:
When you first add the proto-agent organelle, you would need to upgrade the organelle to gain the ability to use any of the various agent ideas. Say the lower level upgrades being things like inhibitors for organelles you select for it to target. Then, branching from these upgrades, having upgrades that turn inhibitor agents into attacker agents. A simple progression system that lasts the duration of the microbe stage. As well as efficiency upgrades that say make it cost less ATP per use, or produce more toxins/agents per compound values absorbed and stored in the vacuoles. Say the value of 3 of compound A and B each would typically produce 1 of Agent A, but efficiency upgrades changing the mechanic so that 1 of compound A and B create 1 of Agent A.

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Please refrain from double posting, try to edit your previous post to fit the new thing you want to add.

Sorry if i sound too much like a snitch saying this, just wanted to let ya know.