Analysis of the Thrive conspiracy iceberg

What are you speaking about? Does it have something to do with the revolutionary cult and the banana cult?

No. I directly caused the March 9th incident. By accident. Possibly.

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We shall not speak about March 9, 2023. Nothing happened on March 9, 2023.


Is it okay if i update my profile to say that i am in some way the cause?

Send me DM, if you can with explanation

To get an inside on Burgeon, read Underwater Civilizations Take 3 and Making a Line For What Content Not to Include threads.

there is no march 9th 2023 we went from the 8th to the 10th



could we get oliver to make an iceburg video if we asked very nicely

No, we have already done the analysis of the iceberg (True, not everything yet), I do not think that Oliver will add something new

i just thought itd be a fun idea

Maybe in a few years, when the iceberg gets fuller.

To be honest, in this iceberg, a lot of facts have more to do with forums and the community than with the game itself.

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In truth they’re one and the same.
And we definitely need to add the Pandora Horizon series.
That was a massive chunk of forum culture while it was ongoing.

Also in this iceberg it was necessary to add, the upcoming war of the Revolutionary and Banana cults


how can you build a nuclear reactor to smelt underwater when you can’t smelt steel and iron in the first place

what happened on march, 9, 2023?

Nothing has happened on March 9, 2023. And I’m not sure if such date even exists.

Denial does no work when you are in the nile. Just tell me what happened , I am seriously out of the loop.

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