i will get a signal jammer and an AA gun
i guess i try to escape with a space shuttle
signal jammers
AA guns
You can’t have more than one signal jammer.
Well then, I guess that mutually assured destruction must be achieved
A missile and a nuclear missile
AA gun and a signal jammer
Fire 1 nuclear missle and 1 normal missle at the incoming nuke
1 Bunker and a missile
Round 2: Results
Actions: Space Shuttle
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
You were lucky enough to get a few space shuttles up and running before the nuke arrived. They were one of those commercial flights, made to transport many people. Unfortunately, a vast majority was left stranded as there just wasn’t enough space to take everyone onboard. The ones who did board the flight were transported to an abandoned space station, where they lived the rest of their lives in relative peace.
Final Score
The entire city was destroyed in the event, but a few people did manage to escape, giving you a survival rating of 3/10.
Badges Earned: Doomed (While you may have survived for now, it won’t be long before you all die)
Actions: Missile, Nuclear Missile
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
If you were going down, the Reds were coming with you! In retaliation to the attack, you sent your own nuke, just to spite them. To be on the safe side, you also sent a regular missile, on track to collide with the nuclear missile coming your way. Unfortunately, it was programmed with an autopilot that dodged the missile and hit the Centre, atomising everyone and reducing the landscape to dust and rubble. On the bright side, the Redlands didn’t see you retaliation coming, and suffered a similar fate.
Final Score:
Due to all the dust gathering in the atmosphere from two nuclear blasts, the Earth is now in permanent Nuclear Winter, killing all know lifeforms and rendering it a sterile dirt ball, similar to its other planet neighbours. If your goal was to end all life, you achieved it, giving you a score of 10/10! Unfortunately, since the goal was to survive, you failed, giving you a survival rating of 1/10.
Badges earned: Bad Karma (You let the actions of few be the catalyst for the murder of many. Shame on you!)
Actions: Missile, Nuclear missile
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
Seeing the lack of humanity in the Overseers of the Redlands, you decide to give them a piece of their own medicine and build your own nuclear missile. You fired it towards their capital and let the chaos ensue. To take care of the incoming projectile, you built a missile, so that they may collide at a safe distance in mid-air. Unfortunately, since the missile knows where it is, it dodges your own missile and detonates in the Centre, wiping everything out. Your nuclear missile also makes impact in the Redlands, killing their people as well.
Final Score:
No one survived from either side. In fact, the entire Earth was plunged in darkness from the Nuclear winter, killing everything. This gives you a survival score of 1/10.
Badges earned: Bad Karma (You let the actions of few be the catalyst for the murder of many. Shame on you!)
Actions: AA guns, Signal Jammer
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
As the missile made its way to the Centre, you activated the signal jammer to disengage any external signals it may be receiving. Then, when the nuclear missile got close enough, you shot at it with you AA guns to detonate it in mid-air. Unfortunately, it detonated too close, as the shockwave from the explosion destroyed part of the city and killed some people.
Final Score:
While a lot of people died from the explosion, a vast majority of the city was left untouched, leaving a survival score of 7/10.
Actions: AA guns, Signal Jammer
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
(Since half of you picked the same options, I copy-pasted the text) As the missile made its way to the Centre, you activated the signal jammer to disengage any external signals it may be receiving. Then, when the nuclear missile got close enough, you shot at it with you AA guns to detonate it in mid-air. Unfortunately, it detonated too close, as the shockwave from the explosion destroyed part of the city and killed some people.
Final Score:
While a lot of people died from the explosion, a vast majority of the city was left untouched, leaving a survival score of 7/10.
Actions: Missile, Bunker
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
To try and stop the nuclear bomb from destroy the city, you sent a missile at it to try and detonate it at a safe distance from the Centre. Unfortunately, its spatial awareness made it maneuvre around the missile and it hit the city. Thankfully, your underground bunkers saved the people from destruction, but they were now left to ere in these bunkers for generations before the environment becomes safe, due to the radiation left over from the blast.
Final Score:
The city didn’t survive, but your people did, although not for long, giving you a survival score of 4/10.
Badges Earned: Doomed (While you may have survived for now, it won’t be long before you all die)
Actions: AA guns, Signal Jammer
Let’s see how well you’ve done:
(Since half of you picked the same options, I copy-pasted the text) As the missile made its way to the Centre, you activated the signal jammer to disengage any external signals it may be receiving. Then, when the nuclear missile got close enough, you shot at it with you AA guns to detonate it in mid-air. Unfortunately, it detonated too close, as the shockwave from the explosion destroyed part of the city and killed some people.
Final Score:
While a lot of people died from the explosion, a vast majority of the city was left untouched, leaving a survival score of 7/10.
Unfortunately, no one got the optimal ending, which was achieved with a signal jammer and a missile. Better luck next time!
I also decided to add some badges for some endings, just as an extra bonus. The new theme will be announced tomorrow.
I think IRL it is hard to cause a nuclear explosion mid-air by shooting at it. (Sorry for not linking a better source.)