Bird topic

also is carcass read the first definition

The carcass is the dead body of the animal the carrion is the decaying flesh of the animal

I thought it was carcass for the “object”, carrion for the “principle” (E.G. steak is an object, meat the principle)
EDIT: Nvm I looked it up, carrion is flesh by definition, not counting bones and brain and stuff


Oh no

(10 char)

I also love the Harpy.
But Patriotically speaking, I love the Bald Eagle. (but the Harpy will always be my favorite.)


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread


Look how cute is this hyacinth macaw


Finally. We got back on topic with a necropost.

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This bird’s dead

We should be able to react with the F emoji to pay respects.

This isnt a bird

i’m pretty sure this is a Water Bird

crows ftw boi!!!, self aware smart birbs

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but i do still love the fish birbs. even if they are not real birds

I’m gonna necro this thread because I like birds and there isn’t any other thread like this so…

My favorite bird is the Secretary bird, but a really underrated bird is the vulture.

In media, vultures are portrayed as pathetic scavengers but in my opinion that just isn’t right for such a awesome bird.

Also obligatory vulture picture here:

My favorite birds are either parrots or sandhill cranes.


Cranes are my second favorite type of bird because they are the most similar to secretary birds

Also it’s because they have cool beaks

My favorite birb is the emperor penguin

look at that baby penguin, he’s so fluffy

the flying bois are my favorite, but the penguins are really “cool” if u know what I mean