Brain-dead post thread

Completely understandable. Some people hate Reddit precisely because of some unsavory people in some dubious subreddits they came across when first using Reddit.

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Absolutely hilarious, and 100% correct take. but, for one small caveat. EVERY, GODFORSAKEN, THING ON THE INTERNET, has tried to give up on ordinary systems of connecting people (users to help, users to other users, content creators to consumers) and instead JuSt mAkE a DIsCOrD, it’s infuriating, discord should be for friends (and grooming I guess… sigh) and not for everything.


I think we should return to the energy-deprived posting this thread was made for.

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I accidentaly made an optical illusion


What is the illusion in there?
Also, is this supposed to be a fractal?

it looks like it’s tilted

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Yeah, it does… sometimes…

I am the only one seeing the image as a strange creature and some of the possible paths that it could take?

By the way @woejoe, it looks cool regardless of what it is supposed to be.

I had so much bad news today that your picture is the best part of my day.


Where is the creature located on that image?

(React F to the user above me, for they had a horrible day!)

Oh. Sorry, @aah31415. I thought it was obvious in seeing each individual unit.


Right, I guess it looks like a rather simplified creature…

@woejoe how did you come to making that image?

almost looks like conway’s game of life or something similar

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Octopus i seen in that

Or brinestar

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Only thing is that these critters only have 4 limbs…

No way to take over the world in awakening, society is the earliest possible.

have u hear about Khan, the world control of the aichen middle asia?
he control the world by control the flow of slik and spice

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Mongols were in the society stage at that point through. Empires cannot form in awakening.

they as tribal that unites, so technically they are still a tribe, and its still today like that surprisingly roaming in the Gobi desert in they former Khan ways (mostly)

let say its a middle stage that closer to tribel then society


Maybe we should make a poll here for deciding that…

Which stage should Mongol Empire-style countries belong in?
  • Awakening
  • Society (and further)
0 voters

I moved these posts to the braindead posts thread as it is totally useless to try to argue that a group controlling a really wide area wouldn’t be a society, and thus be in the society stage. And also a reminder there is no tribal stage in Thrive.

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