Brain-dead post thread

This is a thread for when people have basically no energy left at the end of their day, but they still want to post something. Obviously, the quality of posts will take a hit due to a lack of energy. Please don’t abuse this thread to put random jokes, as there is already the Puns and jokes thread. This thread is to help people make their day better.

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Can we also put quotes of other “low-remaining-energy” posts here? Because if so,

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Sure. :+1: I just want to make sure that it isn’t too much work for you, or anyone else who decides to move posts here from other threads.

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I don’t think I have post-moving permissions…

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I’ve been thinking about this progression for a certain time

  • Nanoscopic — you combine chemical elements to create proteins
  • Microbial — you combine proteins to create cells
  • Multicellular — you combine cells to create colonies
  • Macroscopic — you combine colonies to create tissues
  • Aware — you combine tissues to create organs
  • Awakening — you combine organs to create tribes (I know how it sounds)
  • Society — you combine tribes to create societies
  • Industrial — you combine societies to create states
  • Space — you combine states to create empires
  • Ascension — you combine empires to create God (maybe)

Currently Thrive is “missing” a nanoscopic stage. Does it even need it?

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Not really, there wasn’t any significant movement for adding such a stage neither.

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no posts in a hour… eegggghhh…


You won’t have users posting all the time, 24/7… Forum is not an obligation (for most atleast).


if you want a lot of activity, see the thrive discord server.

forums usually function a lot differently than discord servers, mainly since forums are made for a different purpose.


That might be also why the population of this forum is not that large at all when compared with TCDS…

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thanks god I will never download discord


I can guess it’s banned in your realm?

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no. no. I hate discord

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Oh I see. But did you have any experience which led to this harted?

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Of course yes it did


How long ago did the hatred start?

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The only two uses of this platform is to talk with your friends or groom little children. I don’t have any friends nor I want to groom any kids, so this platform serves no use to me.


I see, but you didn’t tell me how many years ago has this opinion started…

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since I first saw sombody else use it


Oh, I thought you used it for a while and then quit.

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