Bugged auto evo


idk what happened i was just messing around with the cloroplasts and now my population is stuck at 50

If the problem persisted after multiple generations, maybe its because your species as a whole is doing not so good, for example: Im pretty sure that your population goes up by how well other members of your species do too, and staying in place isnt necessarily the best way of reproduction (if your species is sessile).

It’s all laid out there clearly, you just have two energy sources you get energy from and the total amount of energy gathered is enough for 4 individuals of your species. And as that is below the extinction limit, so auto-evo always sets your population to 0. The reason why you aren’t extinct is that each time you get to the editor you get a population bonus, which is 50 at population 0 so that’s why your population is always that.


I actually had the same thing happen to me a few times now, i was at 11,000 population and was doing great when suddenly my population fell to 0 and on top of that i did not see any other microbes from other species after this point. I does very much feel like a bug.

Please provide any details. It is impossible to investigate your report unless we have someone volunteer to play the game for hours trying to replicate what might have possibly happened to you.

I understand that , i will try to replicate it myself and provide screenshots. But so far i always used Photosyntesis when it happend and a second source of energy. Last time i used photosyntesis and iron to keep me alive , i only stayed in one patch and build to have a lot pilus to protect myself, i always stayed around one iron rock and suddenly my population went 0. No matter what part i added or removed my population would stay 0.

it could’ve been a predator you hadn’t adapted for as those can make you extinct pretty quickly

Predators don’t add any population penalties in auto-evo, only species competition does.

Any question regarding auto-evo can only be answered with the relevant save or full screenshots / text of the auto-evo explanation popup which shows all the internal numbers.

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While i dont know how to send in my save i do have screenshots of the global population and the auto evo explanation.

I also noticed this while looking through the editor on this savefile

The have decreased by NaN% sounds like something went wrong there. I also notice that Glucose concentration was reduced by 100% in the previous turn. But this technicly should not have affected me as i relied on iron and a bit of sunlight.

I experimented a bit and found that adding a temperature Gradient gives me population . What i noticed is that Autoevo almost only took the energy from the temperature into account even tho there should be much more energy available .

This is probably purely a display related bug and not related to the actual glucose concentrations. I opened an issue:

Your species is the only one using heat energy so it gets it all. For all other food sources your fitness is low compared to the total fitness, so you don’t get much at all energy from them.

I see thank you for explaining it to me