Cell membrane and extracellular structure

What about removing the mp cost for moving the organelles?

The placement of the internal organs don’t change the functionality of the cell, only the external ones do[1], it doesn’t matter if we can move them or not. Also the positions[2] and even number[3] of the organelles can change, so its not a fixed thing. Why should evolution care enough to make the cytoskeleton keep the mitochondria on the left side of the chloroplast or something like that.

Angle coordinates and centroids are already measured in the game and they effect the gameplay,

its just that we can’t directly use them to place organelles. Your suggestion should be a relatively easy thing to code, it just requires some visual designs.

I don’t think they would overlap. Since we have hexes, the placement would necessarily be discrete, not continuous, so the minimum angle for placing two organelles next to each other can be low in some places and higher in others. If the cell had a really weird shape where a straight line emerging from the centroid exits the cell, enters it again and exits again, the latest exit spot can be where the hex of the external organelle is placed.

  1. like how a spike can be defensive when it is placed on the back and offensive when it is placed on the front, the front being the direction you can go faster, a front may not exist functionally ↩︎

  2. during ameboid movement ↩︎

  3. during replication ↩︎

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