Contributing without C# skills?


I am thinking of helping with the development of Thrive. I have experience with C and C++ programming, but I don’t have any experience with C#.

I have also programmed graphics in OpenGL and GLSL. I have looked over the issues, but I am not sure where to begin since this is my first open-source project.

Can I be of help? Thanks!

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I’m sure there is at least something you could help with. To get started, you should be looking at the easy or good first issues: Issues · Revolutionary-Games/Thrive · GitHub

As you already know C++ it shouldn’t be difficult at all to lookup enough C# syntax to get started very fast writing C#. That’s how I learned C# by just looking up how each C++ concept was done in C# and getting started right away.

There is a native C++ module for Thrive, but it doesn’t have that much functionality in it, so not counting bugs in it there isn’t really anything to work on it (as any new feature would also require a C# side component).


Thank you very much! That helps a lot.

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