Describe possible creatures

just describe the creatures or civilizations you want to create when thrive is out. I’d probably do something arboreal evolving into a “treehouse civilization” like those of the Korowai


LAVA PLANTS! It was the first thing I ever played. and maybe a species that believes in the end of all things and sets out to commit that end when ascended. And ooooh what about a very long lived species that cultivates the world around them, and, ah it would be awesome to play a species without sight and a unique way of seing things if they add a translation of those senses in later stages!


Pretty much what I do with Shaveka with long lived vegan creates with arms who take care of the other creatures and are just one big country. It would be interesting to see how one country early on would work and what bonus being a vegan civilization could bring. Also having a nigh ageless leader is always fun too.


So how long until I can evolve a Frieza species?!? Or a Saiyan?

Most likely you’ll have to wait until the ascension stage.

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this is the only correct way to play thrive


Should we added Saiyanism to ascension perk list?

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