Different eyes should change camera perspective

As you know the various eye designs in nature give various different benefits to the species that have them. I personally think the best way to represent this is to give different camera perspectives depending upon the way the player designs their eyes. Eg. Human like eyes would be 1st person but compound eyes would be 3rd person.


That’s a actually cool concept they should implement into the game later on




Perhaps more advanced eyes with better vision would alert you to the different traits of creatures you encounter, for example, if you selected another creature, you would be told that it has powerful claws, sharp teeth, etc.

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I was thinking the camera was always third person but you have limited vision depending on where your eyes were and the rest is blacked out until something does something that another sense can feel, like for example if a creature makes a sound to the right of your creature, it would show black and white stripes running along the invisible terrain and creature as it played the sound, making it have this cool effect where for just a moment you can see the creature in black and white as the stripes run over it’s body, and then it’s gone.



Since we can’t see in 360 I think your ideo of 3rd person is a good fix or you can be in 3rd person all the time and the part where you can’t see should be blacked out it also would be cool if you can switch between 3rd and 1st also maybe a danger indicater if in 1st

i was thinking there would be like a sound icon for ears//sound sensing organs

it would also be nice if you could here the direction using headphones


That’s exactly what I was saying up there in my post.

huh, great minds think alike

Instead of switching between 1st and 3rd person, it could use a 3rd person camera but only actively show whats in your field of view. Possibly changing how far one can see by prioritizing depth perception?

I think that could be pretty awkward. It would mean spending the majority of your time with most of your screen black. It would make you feel like your missing out on the entire environment pushing you to always choose a concave view. If you use a first person view for our eye type it would make both options seem unique and complete.

okay but what if its out of focus not black, and you move where youre looking with where your mouse is, (or in vr where youre looking, but that’d be first person anyways) not in front of you, if you have moving eyes that is. also could be turned off in accessibility settings or switched to first person.

that is almost exactly what I said.

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everyone seems to be repeating you lol

To add onto your idea, maybe have places you have seen be grey scaled to represent that it’s only how you remember seeing it. For other forms of sensing the environment, you could use black with outlines of the environment for species that use echolocation, and possibly have a color effect to represent smell.

Vision is definitely one of the aspects that will require a lot of attention, and could make or break multicell.

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ok but what if IM in focus?

Also if there is only one eye, it wouldn’t have a depth perception. So here is my idea

Zero eyes: The creature only sees a small cylindirical area around itself. That can be explained by sensing, touch etc(the same thing in cell stage). The regions behind this cylinder are greyed out, but the stuf that exists in the minimap (trees, rocks, etc) can still be seen beyond this region. This can be explained by memory, places that aren’t gone very often are lost, if memory is upgraded, then they stay for longer. If the creature is lost, the region around the cylinder is completely greyed. The creature can also see the day/night cycle and shades because being under the sunlight heats you.

Flying creatures: The cylinder is replaced with a sphere.

One eye: Now, the creature can see everything, but can’t say how close they are. Other creatures (in the case of highest uncertainty) are placed in a circle behind the cylinder, they can move closer or further but it will look like they are stationary and walking doesn’t move them anywhere. There is an elongated circular region highlighted under them which corresponds to the regions they can be. If they come inside the cylinder, their position can be perfectly seen just like in the case of zero eyes.

Two eyes: Everything is where it is. The circle is removed.

View angle: It is 360 degrees inside the circle. Outside the circle, the regions seen with one eye are subjected to one eye mechanic and places seen with two eyes are subjected to two eyes mechanic.

Ears: The creature doesn’t require eyes to see. If they have one ear, it is as if they see everywhere with one eye, if they have 2 ears it is as if they see everywhere with two eyes. They don’t fully see other creatures, it is just a blob of their size and thrivepedia picture attached to it.

Echolocation: They have a 360 degree vision but don’t see colors. They also get texture information, this is hard, these are leaves etc.

Color vision: The wavelengths of their sun can be different than earth. Since the computer screens can’t show ultaviolet colors,(even if it can, we can’t see it) I suggest we show the colors not as they are, but shifted to our colors. The sun is always white (outside the atmosphere, the sun seen in aware stage depends on how the light is refracted) and everything else has our color palette(that also meens if you start around a red dwarf, yellow stars can look blue and blue stars violet). When there are 2 cone cells, some colors overlap and complete color vision comes with 3 cone cells.

Infrared sight: Works as normal sight, you can also see warm blooded animals that have perfect camuflage. Their footprints can be seen before they cool down.

Magnetic sense: A compass is placed around the cylinder (a circle in the ground which stays the same as you rotate)

Smell: Creatures that walk leave trails behind them. When you approach one, you can read the name of the tribemember or the thrivepedia entry of the creature that left it.

Electric sense for underwater creatures: The range of the sphere of seeing is increased.