Error Saving - Saving failed!

After clicking evolve button. Did not cause an immediate crash.

Pastebin to the exception: Error Saving - Saving failed! An exception happened exception: System.Reflection -

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Error repeated on exiting editor.

This is this issue:

I think I had a similar encounter but for me error happened only when entering editor

That is the same error:

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'PlacedOrganelle'.

Or rather the sister issue:

I allowed myself to create a long log filled to the brim with save errors.
I think error is more likely to happen if you click evolve button while or just apter absorbing organelle or chunk

Testing for saving errors with 0.5.3 is not really useful, as I’m pretty sure I have found the root cause (the microbe AI kept references to disposed objects) and fixed it. The fix is already included in devbuilds, and will be in the next official release as well.

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I just got a save error, no crash

Edit: after thriving and finishing the game I got a copy of the exit logs, not sure if they’re any help.

Got the error after clicking to reproduce, no crashes.

Looks like a duplicate report of:

I’m getting this error after playing for about two hours and when saving manually on Steam’s version

Please provide the json_debug.txt file that should have been created in the Thrive logs folder (assuming default options). There’s a button in the options to open the logs folder.

I’m unable to find a logs folder under the steam’s install folder, AppData, Cache location or any other place, could you specify where it should be located?

It is in AppData somewhere. Use the button in the game options menu to open the logs folder. The JSON debug file is not overwritten if you restart the game (unless you set JSON debug mode to always in the options).

perfect, I was able to find it under \AppData\Roaming\Thrive\logs

contents are available here since the upload option doesn’t like .txt files:

Thanks. I was able to confirm your problem is a new variant of a bug that’s existed before. I’ve opened an issue for tracking fixing this issue:

In the meantime, you can probably save if you use the suicide button to respawn and save immediately after respawning as the problem is some objects in bad state that your cell is wanting to engulf.

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