Forum Game Tools

This thread is for sharing websites and advice that can help people make forum games.

Donjon is a site that can generate random worlds, names, quests, roll dice, create monsters and much more. (Site status: Online)

Azgaar’s Fantasy map generator can generate full maps with hundreds of individual towns. (Site status: Online)

GMWorldmap is a tool that generates a endless procedural landscape. When you open it it always starts you at the same spot, so my advice is to zoom out to max and then look for a region that looks good to you. (Site status: Online)


Cool thread and cool links, they sound pretty useful.

If you need a name for something, Fantasy Name Generator could be pretty handy to use.
They have many categories to choose from. Things like: Species names, Location names, names for fantasy plants and many more.
I highly recomend checking this one out if you have difficulties coming up with names for something.

This site should work fine on any device.


Hey, do you guys want me to edit the main post when adding new sites or just post it as a reply?

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I’d say new posts, because I don’t often check back old posts.

Posting new stuff should also prevent this thread being buried under new threads.

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GIMP is a free editing software in the same vain as photoshop. You can use it to draw a map and then edit it as your forum game goes on.
(Site status: Online)

Space Engine is a Game/Tool/Engine that can generate a procedural universe for you to explore, it takes pride in being as scientific accurate as possible so if you want a idea for a realistic planet or just a quick image of a planetoid in your forum games solar system then this is for you. Its also free.
(Site status: Online)

1 Like is a good random number generator


Seventh Sanctum is a site with tons of random generates ranging from magic spells to entire alien races, it even has a nexus of other sites that you can use too.
(Site Status: Online)

Chaoticshiny is a generator site which can generate in depth religions, flags and civilizations.

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This Wikipedia page can help to make unique dietary needs for your species.

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i made a google doc that has two calculators at the moment, one for how much energy something gets from eating the sun, and another for how much energy it spends on its membrane. i’ll likely make more calculators for it, but at the moment it’s best for evo games.

you can copy it to make your own version, and if you learn the same way i do will teach you how to make more calculators with google docs for your forum games!

it’s probably only gonna be new FGMs and FGMs who are tired of doing math that use this, but i made this because i was tired of doing math.