Future Thrive? (fan art)

I’m working on something! I’ll update it here.


(also in language thread but I figured it’s technically fan art, its my species language.)

(Also I need to put something here.)

This seems very interesting. Is there an alphabet to this language?

Yeah, it’s the large box in the center. :laughing: A four letter alphabet.
Edit: the large box in the large box.

That’s a very short but effective alphabet. Won’t the words get very long after some time though, since there are only so many different combinations before you would have to add more letters?

If every word were four letters, there would be 4 to the power of 4 combos for words, minus the ones that start or end with ba or start with zoo.


a gel center. itll make sense later

I like the language design, I don’t think we’ve had that as a concept yet.

Since digital art is too hard, here’s the Anegoscus.


Nice, so whats the war machine version of it?

Is the second one biomechanical or a mechanical contraption based on the Anegoscus’ body structure?

A machine designed specifically for harvesting gel.

That doesent answer my question.

Is the second drawing a biomechanical derivative of the other drawing or a machine designed in its image?

Sorry but… *doesn’t

Oh. That totally makes sense now.
Not bio. At all.
Just made to harvest gel.
Might have some bio actually to produce gel…
Maybe biomechanical.
They made it though.
Not all details are known, it was just a concept.

Okay, but i’m still confused.

Me too i am confuzzled

Future Thrive?
By Interface5 on discord
multi1 multi2


That first image looks really good, like seriously, I thought that was a real screenshot for a second

me to, I like how they used the same basic U but added to it. I think this would be a good way to continously progress through the stages