Umm… I know its really blank.
looks good, I like that you used bioluminescence (if that’s what the circles around those bacteria is). It might look better if the pencil lines in the background weren’t as visible.
V2 is on the way. I’ll dull the pencil lines, add a bit more cells, make the bioluminescence look good, and post it.
awesome, it look great mate! keep up the work.
You should get it, it’s usually the entire series for only 2 bucks usually around the Steam sales
I played portal 2 on the xbox 360, but never the first game.
I merged the update thread into this thread. Please post updates in a single thread instead of making a bunch of threads.
Something I threw together real quick.
You should care.
Edit your bloody posts.
Seriously, stop with the necroposts, doubleposts, tripleposts, and all that other shit.
This is ScOuT (Scanning Outdoor Tracer) and it is very polite. Say “Howdy, ScOuT!”
I got a lot of inspiration for the design from every Valve game ever.
Also, you can notice that the Thrive logo in the upper right corner is empty, that’s because I wanted to create some sort of a “badge” saying “your civ tamed technology”, but I was not satisfied with the execution of my design.
But the idea went something like
Hope you like it, Cya!
That’s amazing, I like Portal robots too.
Thank you, disembodied space potato!
I’ve been really busy being dead, you know, after you murdered me!
This design is quite impressive, and thou hast earnt mine respect!
The shading, the proportions, the everything!
Also, that signature is really spicy…
This is a bit of a late reply, But it looks absolutely awesome! keep up the work.
Thank you all so much! I am speechless!