History of bisexuality

an interesting thing is that in the history of our world creatures were in one way or another, capable of being
bisexual, not just humans but also; penguins, zebra finches, cats, dogs, and a surprising amount more. mostly
mammals and avians/birds. creatures with more than a lizard brain larger than the point of a thumbtack. homo and trans-phobia is also relatively recent being only four decades old,
so a good question i guess i have is will that be represented in anyway such as a learned behavior? i had only just thought of that

I think this would be mostly neglectable in the ā€œbiologicalā€ part of the game unless you come up with a different reproduction system. This should be more important in the ā€œcivilizationā€ part of the game where those people might be rejected by the majority of citizens.

Anyway, welcome to the forums!


thanks, i will keep this in mind.

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just some more information for those who are wondering

whoops accedentally posted the whole thumbnailsā€¦

Maybe you forgot that if you claim something you must provide proof that what you say is true.

I tought you would link scientific studies, medical analyses or something similiar, instead, you say something that in no way or form is proof to what you claimed.

Nah I donā€™t want to.

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Iā€™ll assume you donā€™t have any then, therefore, Iā€™ll assume what you said is not true.

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I used to have some. But I canā€™t find them, but whatever you think, I didnā€™t give you any proofs so you donā€™t believe. As you think.

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Controversial opinion, ey?

If someone doesnā€™t feel like theyā€™re male and feel like theyā€™re female, they would put hormones that ā€œdonā€™t belong in your bodyā€. Testosterone is also found naturally in female bodies, inverse is true for male bodies.

Stop. This discussion has diverted into :poop: so Iā€™m closing this.
@thunder please refrain in the future from posting outdated views on medical treatments.