Hospitals and Medicines

Virus and germ are famous enemies toward sapient, social species. Our ancestors found cure for them by researching organisms, extracting substances from inanimate, or just discovered it by an accident. So, will it also apply to Thrive? How will they find cure for the diseases? What kind of organism will help them find cure? What kind of method will they use to extract the cure? I think this would be too much for devs, but I think this would become a great feature.


My best guess is that you will be able to make progress on some sort of a medicine when a disease emerges, and when it hits 100% the disease suddenly becomes very ineffective when compared with it’s past self.


suddenly… eyouch that sure didn’t happen with covid. I think you should at least have to mass produce it and have the logistic capacity to get it everywhere, and on hard mode or something you’d need to convince everyone to actually use the cure.


I can also guess the cost of the medicine’s production would be higher the less advanced is your civilization, so if you’re playing as a medieval kingdom you’d probably reserve the little medicine you have for your nation’s rulers.


I think there should be a public service advertisement feature in the game, so citizens can realize that they need to wash their hands, clean their body often, etc. So they get diseases less often.

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Perhaps citizens would also catch less diseases if more of them are educated?


I’m not really sure about that. Defining “Educated” is not an easy job to do. Some kind of society might think dirty things are actually healthier, just like medieval european kingdoms were, or some will think the opposite. It depends on the society’s own belief, but if you promote being clean is healthy and most of citizens believe that, it probably will.


Education would generally lead to the citizens understanding that doing something increases their chances of survival. It’d be strange for it to do the opposite…


I can and has. Education informs you about the dominant ways of thinking and knowing. Usually by ideological darwinism if not by choice of smart people, the most powerful things will be true, but people are like 80% cognitive biases by weight, so it’s not hard for the most successful thing to be false. (For example, lots of people hold respect for the ancient Greek Milesians due to their knowledge of things like the near exact size of sun and moon, and what sounded like proto-evolution, however, they mostly spent their time arguing which element was more noble, nd thus was at the middle of the cosmos. We like them because they tended to conclude that fire deserved to be in the middle thus the earth orbited the sun. However, they lost out in memory to Platonism, which was horribly wrong about just about everything, but the thinking process that led to it was something of a “take what you know as axioms then logic about it”, which is kinda silly, leaving out experimentation, but it’s a hell of a lot better than “Yes but water is noble therefore earthquakes are ripples”, even if they were wrong about everything)


I guess then education would have multipliers on it basing on what type of education is it, with species characteristics too modifying the education types.

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There should be some ways of transporting injured people to the hospital such as stretchers and ambulances.
Stretchers and moving them by hand/pulling them won’t do anything but to move the injured one slowly, but ambulances will make the injured one alive for a longer time(Not for ambulances in society stage, it will only move faster.), and also move the injured one much faster.
Also, before the invention that enables long distance communication, people gotta alert the situation to the hospital by foot. If the injured citizen is close enough to the hospital, nurses will notice it and move the injured one to the hospital.

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More like they’ll deliver them to the hospital quicker, especially if you’re only in the society stage.

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Ambulances also treat people on the spot and during transportation. Also, with proper care, sometimes moving someone slower or not at all is better for them.


I guess so… But just how much could a medieval ambulance do?

Social went into early colonial times. Granted, the same question applies. But I wouldn’t call the early 1600’s “medieval”.

That still isn’t that much more advanced, especially when compared with the modern day…

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Antibiotics will be useful in game, assuming they are planned to be included. I imagine you might need to research medicines. Like Alexander Fleming with Penicillin on accident. This can also apply to need to find other Antibiotics and medicines like Phage Therapy because of Antibiotic resistance developing in other organisms.


Definitely, over time germs would develop more resistance to antibiotics but this would cost them how high can their resistance to phages get.


Hmm… You know… What about narcotic for severely injured patients? This will be double edged sword, good for calming down patients, but also addicting. Narcotic can exist both on Society stage and Industrial stage thanks to herbs(irl ex:poppy).


There are “Aware” creatures that have discovered “medicine” as well as “hallucinogenics”. Monkey’s and Apes use the same Millipedes both as mosquito repellent and as a narcotic.

And they are not the only animals that self medicate or take hallucinogens.