Hot takes

I know, frale is just claiming that English written in another script isn’t English.


Wait why are those Ws being removed? They’re pretty clearly pronounced to me.


a joke to you guys? Why use all manner of weird letters when there’s already IPA?

I may be a bit biased as all English textbooks in Finland show the pronunciation with IPA versions of the words, and writing Finnish with the IPA alphabet is almost the same as the (extended) latin alphabet (there’s very few things in Finnish not written exactly as they are pronounced).

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My point wasn’t with past tense - it was for ‘eth’ instead of ‘s’ at the end of present-tense verbs. For example: “Sometimes a parrot talketh” (instead of ‘talks’); Descartes (in the English translation of Meditations) describing someone falling asleep as “he who noddeth in a chair” (instead of ‘nods’. The word with the most definitions in English is ‘run’, and three different forms of this word are: runs, runs and run’s, meaning does run, multiple runs and belonging to the run (all valid in the right context). Changing the first of these to use the older English ‘eth’ or ‘th’ would render these as ’ runeth (or ‘runneth’), runs and run’s '.

What you are describing is literally just changing the way English is spelled. :upside_down_face:

I do think changing some of the letters in English (to using IPA, for instance) would really improve things, but I think a more gradual change would be the best suggestion. There’s no way most people would even consider changing all the letters in English, but adding or changing some would be useful.

British pronunciation (I think).

Also, here’s something I should’ve dropped in this thread earlier:

What does that mean? I presume it’s a text abverration but I’m not sure which one.

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It’s not an abbrevation

Then what is it? What does it mean?

My hot take:

Telling someone “oh, don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit” before a painful procedure is belgiuming horrible! It is lying in the face of the one on whom the procedure is about to be conducted and undermines their trust in the long run. Also, I think it is better to let someone know that the procedure will hurt and allow them to prepare themselves mentally for the pain than lie to them resulting in them getting caught by surprise.


“It’s just a little sting, you won’t even feel it”

proceeds to hurt like belgium and it’s sore for two weeks

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They’re trying to reassure the patient and sometimes the pain is only there if you focus on it. Otherwise, just try to always prepare your mind for the worst and you’ll be fine.

Imagine not knowing how to read ðe letters þorn or eþ, couldn’t be me.

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It’s potentially useful for children, but probably not as useful in the long term as helping them get into a mindset that helps them deal with the pain.

Or they could also help the child grow to have a hard outer layer - such as chitin - so they’d get hurt less.