How to test others PRs

Most people use their own forks, create branches there and then create pull requests to the main repo. How can I test these changes on my own fork? I don’t have any option to switch to their branch. Maybe the answer is trivial but I can’t find it

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My IDE (Rider) handles this automatically for me. But I think the following should work from the command line (if you are using a different git tool, you’ll need to adjust):

git remote add 0HyperCube
git remote fetch 0HyperCube
git checkout 0HyperCube/branch_name

(adjust whose fork you add by changing the url and name of the remote)

I think that should setup a new remote for the fork, fetch the available remote branches, and then checkout a specific branch from that remote. Though that way you cannot make any changes and push them so it might be better to create a new local branch after those commands starting at the branch in that remote and set the upstream.


May I ask, what sort of additions does your fork have?