Hyperpowers (Under Development - Looking for suggestions!)

In Hyperpowers, players control “hyperpowers,” or societies that are even greater in overall power (to an extent that which is seen in 1984’s Oceania), which is determined by military, economic, political, and technological power, than superpowers. The current plan is for the game to be a turn-based strategy game, where the goal is to become the only hyperpower. There will be a major emphasis on great diversity in political structure, technology type, military type, and economic type, across the hyperpowers, meaning that, for instance, there could be a borderline anarchic steampunk society, with a distributist economy, and a military consisting mostly of aircraft carriers. Since it’s been a long time since I’ve made a forum game, though, I’d first like some feedback on this idea.

  1. Rate the game concept, from 1-5.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
  1. How fast-paced should the game be, relative to the average forum game?
  • Substantially slower
  • Slower
  • About the same
  • Faster
  • Substantially faster
0 voters
  1. What should the game have a greater emphasis on?
  • Technological Development
  • War and Diplomacy
  • There should be an equal emphasis on both mechanics
0 voters
  1. Should there be realistic magic?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

How many hyperpowers can be there in total?

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According to the current plan, 3-7, where there is a requirement to have at least 3 players, and a cap of 7 players.


Will it take place on Earth or a fictional planet?

That is still being decided.

  • Earth
  • Other Setting
0 voters

make it a non earth planet but still with humans on it


Oh I see. So like a fantasy setting but with no magic and stuff?

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lots of civ games on the forums lately seem to feature magic

so going with a no magic route sounds good to me


I wonder if there still could be smaller NPC civs (like superpowers and regional powers) you’d have to worry about

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This seems like an interesting game ngl, sadly I don’t really 100% know how they work :sweat_smile:

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I think the full ruleset is yet to be published, perhaps when it comes to light it’ll look clearer…

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Creating your Civilization (incomplete)

  1. Select political ideology, out of:
  • Laissez-faire Capitalism
  • Democratic Socialism
  • Socialism
  • Marxism
  • Leninism
  • Stalinism
  • Maoism
  • Juche
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought
  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
  • Constitutional Monarchy
  • Anarchism
  • Anarcho-Capitalism
  • Anarcho-Communism
  • Mutualism
  • Feudalism
  • Fascism
  • Technogaianism
  • Theocracy (the government can rule in the name of the god or gods of just about any theistic religion, but try to aim for a fictional religion)

However, if you’d like to select a different ideology, please let me know.

Should highly speculative pre-industrial retrofuturistic technology types, such as stonepunk, be included in the selection of technology types?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

wouldn’t that put a civ at a disadvantage since it has no access to industrial techs then?

The entire concept of punk (ignoring cyberpunk, and all the political messaging of all the other punks) is the idea of wildly different technology getting to modern comparable levels without taking the route we took. Would steam trains ever evolve into mecha suits? probably not, but for steam tech to be considered to have pros and cons compared to the tech of 2024, we kinda have to give them steam mechs, because we can’t give them steam computers, that’d be even weirder. All punks aside from the future-y ones have this issue. Stonepunk is obviously an outlier, but it fits the same pattern.

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How’d you make something taking the role of a train with stones? I know much can be achieved with “alternative technologies”, but there’s still a ceiling of what is achievable, especially noticable for those like this one.


I don’t want to have to choose ideologies from a list.


Should TFGM have added axes of ideologies to choose from?