Ideas for the Macroscopic Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

I suppose this category should also have one of these threads for putting in small ideas for this stage (that don’t deserve their own discussion threads).

Example of how to use this thread:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Visualization of the five senses

Are the macroscopic organisms planned to eventually be softbodies in the proper game?

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I don’t know how exactly this will be designed but What I call (microscopic multicellular stage) is the establishment of relationships between cells than the macroscopic stage should be the relationship between the tissues, so let’s go by the same way we already established, but when we become macroscopic, we could copy a hole tissue rather than just cells and we connect them through blood vessels or neural axans


Yes, that what’s planned to happen. Tissues end up replacing individual cells, as these are too small in the macroscopic…

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How would that work? And more importantly, why? Macroscopic is purely on the scale starting from ants. What would creatures of this size benefit from doubling the work by also supporting soft bodies? I can see why people would want soft body physics for the microbe stage, but not at all for the macroscopic stage.

You no longer have to use that name, multicellular stage now always refers to what the old “early multicellular” clarification meant. So the stages are microbe, multicellular, macroscopic (and so on).

There is already a macroscopic prototype in the game with the basic editor in. That’s planned to be the basis for adding new features.


I can guess adding softmodies would be very timeconsuming, but at the same time it would be weird seeing jellyfish-like organisms (which would be in macroscopic to my knowledge) behave like they’re rather solid/stiff objects.


So if that’s already in place , I haven’t tried it yet, but where are the problems then?if sensory input is the problem then it could be solved by having axons that have different ends (connect two neurons, sensible to light, voices, temperature, touch ,how the tissues will be built is not our part of the job but more the job of the player, we will offer them the abilities and they should take it from there.
To be clear ( the idea of axons have ends that are sensible to different things is just an idea about how I think real senses work)


That sounds like a level of creature simulation that we are not aiming for.


1: I am pretty sure Ants have enough neurons to be Aware
2: Wouldn’t you need to evolve a skeleton? It might be early for an endoskeleton, but I would think Macroscopic would include both hydrostatic skeleton and exoskeleton creatures, as well as some creatures that will not have a skeleton.


That’s perfect, then! As macroscopic is the stage between multicellular and aware. It is not yet the aware stage.

I spent quite a bit of time today on making the separate macroscopic wiki pages:

Maybe? Depends entirely on how “annoying” we are going to make the creature building feature. Like I imagine we would only go as far as to require marking joints between the macroscopic prototype metaballs (which everyone should test out before discussing it with me so that we are on the same page) to form limbs. The skeleton would mostly be an abstracted away concept the player wouldn’t need to try to manually fiddle into place to get enough support and movement that is suitable.


Are you trying to say that we won’t be able to create/modify the skeleton (atleast until aware)?

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Will we at least be able to choose between having a Hydrostatic Skeleton, an Exoskeleton, or an Endoskeleton? Or having hollow bones for a bird?


That’d go into the endoskeleton modifiers.


If modifying the skeleton is a feature, it will be a macroscopic feature. The emphasis being on “if.”

Maybe? Too early to tell, but we’ll probably have some way to control body density to make flying creatures differentiated.

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The way I formulated it, is quite misleading, however the theory is what I have said , however I really want to know the level of stimulation you opt to achieve, if it’s quite realistic (like light and sound are detected proportionally to the number of neutron that are specialized in hearing or seeing ) then my theoratical model could be useful if anything less complicated (having an eye is all what you will need to see) then I don’t really have any ideas
What I want to ask is are we going to make tissues for the player to use or is he going to make his own eyes,ears and the like?

To my awareness the players will develop the tissues themselves, but I could be wrong…


If you are not wrong , then we could use this method as we will develop a supposed brain( just a for esthetic purposes no stimulation is required) and any cell could become sensory input if an axon is ended in it, so with this we will have a natural development of a brain and sensory tissues ( of course I repeat that the brain will only have an esthetic purpose no real stimulation to be done but the number of neurons might influence the reaction speed, awareness level , sensory capabilities and so on

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And soon after that you will have entered the aware stage. A smooth transistion.

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