Ideas for the Microbe Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

Hello. I’m new.
If this hasn’t been said, already, I think a cool thing to do would be that Microbe and Multicellular Stage kinda flow into each other same for the other transitions.

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Welcome to the forums!

Thank you blackjacksike

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i feel like we should be able to put keybinds to the mucilage jets/agent ejectors so movement direction and turning can be done with mucilage if the player desires, as well as allowing the player to use their movement keybinds for catching prey without wasting a lot of mucilage instead if they want a sessile heterotrophic build

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May I ask, does any real-life organism really use such method of moving/turning?

even if there aren’t, you can already move exclusively with mucilage and turning cilia in the game no matter how big your cell is

are those organisms microbes or not? Could you name them?

so apparently that came to me in a dream that my brain made to look and feel exactly like it was reality, i just searched up the name and found a grand total of 0 results. so, as they do not actually exist and were just a trick my brain played on me while i was asleep and commited to memory as if i was awake, they are not microbes. that said i removed the false information from the previous comment


So I guess the mucilage movement/turning would be a Non-LAWK feature then.


Maybe, though after looking it up and looking at one of the first sentences in the Wikipedia article about mucilage, where it says that there are some protists that use mucilage in order to move, I think it would be more realistic to add a big downside for using mucilage jets, possibly making the reason similar to why mucilage isn’t used as the primary form of locomotion IRL. Maybe it’s actually a pretty common form of locomotion, IDK, but I would need to do more research than looking at 2 sentences of a Wikipedia article for that.

Mucilage jets is rare and too luxurious as a consumable for regular sports. A common one is mucilage sliding, but it is limited to the surface of the object.

Perhaps we can use the background to distinguish between the surface of an object and the pure liquid environment?

Isn’t the mucilage pretty balanced in the game as it eats up quite a bit of glucose, so you cannot add too many of them without impacting your cell’s survivability quite a bit? And when you are bigger and it is easier to absorb that cost the extra speed from mucilage is less impactful.


I’m rather sure that mucilage sliding is mostly used by macroscopic organisms, in which stage there’d be more cues telling apart liquids from solids.

Speaking of solids, I think that would be a good thing to represent more in the Cellular stage. Maybe the distinction between solids and liquids in the cellular stage could be that on solids, the cells go into a platformer mode. Of course, this wouldn’t actually mean much underwater, because of how cells move, but I think it would be interesting for the surface, maybe with gameplay similar to Stick With It if you decide to go to the surface as a single cell. A platformer type mode would also be a good way to implement algae blooms and buoyancy in thrive, it would be a good way to make algae gameplay more engaging: you have to fight your way to the top in order to get the light as a plant.

I’m fairly sure that the entire idea of microbe stage is centered around top-down gameplay (as if from bird’s view).

Hello, I think this may be replying to someone but I have read on the dev forum about the agents and saw people discussing how to visually show what toxin is being used and i think you could use the 6 Boolean value inputs for toxins as hex values, example: [1,0,0,0,0,0] would go to f44444 or a red color


could you link the forum page you are referring to? Also, what would the 6 boolean inputs be?

The discussion is this and the input would be agent types like atp production inhibiting

So like, each value would represent a certain kind of damage?

Yes, also it may need to carry over a little because [0,1,0,0,0,0]wouldn’t be a very clear red (because the second fourth and sixth number isn’t multiple) so it could go to cf4444