As for me dissagreeing with Darwinian Evolution: (not Evoultion in-general per-say; just Darwinian, survival of the fittest, natural selcetion evolution in issolation)
I personally belive in InteligentDesign of complex-specificity. And I came to that conclution through an online lecture providing aditional scientific evidence; Not because of any sort of faith or religion.
The fact that you decided to claim evolution is propaganda on a forum devoted to a game about evolution is rather silly. I think you were trying to get a rise out of people. But ill not make that assumption a, so lets continue.
So you saw a lecture and was like “darwinian evolution is false” okay, please link to the lecture. Irreducible complexity is false, For every claim of irreducible complexity and intelligent design there are several papers debunking it, eyes, flagella, it all.
Though funnily enough, my psych professor (who is also a neuroscientist, who i told about thrive) is a proponent of the concept of intelligent design or at least saying there is a difference between micro and macro evolution. Its safe to say, i disagree with him. But i respect him GREATLY and i respect his opinions greatly.He of course, is no biologist, and even points out how convoluted and undirect the brain is (which in my opinion proves it is not designed). I shoudl really ask him why at some point, just to get that perspective. But i think its just because he happens to be an evangelical christian and so perhaps cognitive dissonance?
Intelligent design is , at its best, pseudoscience and a means to bring up we don’t know much about abiogenisis and at its worst, religious propaganda.
Now to properly answer your question, sorry for the ramble.
About evolution “hurting the game” , the player designs their creature, the actual evolution is happening to NPC species and branches of your species breaking off. So no need to worry about it reducing player choice. Also it has been done to great effect, in games like Species ALRE and many other evolution games, so i dont think it would hurt the game regardless. Also, unfortunately, we cant do proper Darwinian evolution in thrive specifically because with the amount of simulation we are doing, having proper Darwinian evolution (simming every individual, etc) would kill every modern home computer. (Though there are many with proper Darwinian evolution i can link you if you have interest)
Im not sure about ftl travel, as a programmer im quite focused on the microbial side of things right now. Someone else could answer that better.