Turn 1
Inhabited Patches:
Levaunian Tidepool
Physical Conditions
Temperature: 23 degrees Celsius, Pressure: 20 bar, Light: 100% lux (100% lux at noon)
Atmospheric Gases
Oxygen: 0%, Nitrogen: 60.18%, Carbon Dioxide: 14.37%, Other Gases: 25.4%
Hydrogen Sulfide: 0, Ammonia: 16, Glucose: 5, Phosphate: 20.006, Iron: 2.401
gamblerobacter koinos archenea
Derived from Mutant 4.
Generation: 2
Population: 1+60+20 = 81
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Thrivium Diuturnus
Derived from Base Species
Generation: 2
Population: 1 +60 +20 +20 = 101
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Thrivum Pabulator
Derived from Base Species; Common name: Forager
Generation: 2
Population: 1 +60 +20 = 81
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Thrivium Fostrogon
Derived from Mutant 4: Common Name: Small cell.
Generation: 2
Population: 1 +20 +20 +60 = 101
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Garlabi Tao
Derived from Mutant 4.
Generation: 2
Population: 1 +20 +60 = 81
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Turn 1 Summary:
25 million years later, the base species of life Primum thrivium nearly died after splitting, but it was fortunate to find some glucose clouds in the vicinity. However, it was not enough. After a day of searching for glucose in the field of Phosphate and Ammonia, the rising Phyade I shined on the dying organism as its health ticked down for the last time. Its death created a small cloud of resources that were swept away by the currents, going back to where the organism came from. AI Extinction.
However, it was not the last of life on Treerilia. Individuals from the Primum Thrivium population known as Thrivium Diuturnus and Thrivum Pabulator succeeded in dividing. That day diverged for the two individuals. Thrivium Diuturnus fared far better in luck with finding glucose clouds than its Thrivum Pabulator brethren, as Thirvum Pabulator barely got by and managed to divide with 2 out of 60 health points left. And under a cloudless sky full of stars, no less.
They were not the only ones descendant from Primum thrivium. A new way to make ATP was found using a light-induced proton pump Proteorhodopsin. It makes approximately 6 ATP at max lux, or 2/3 the ATP compared to oxidative phosphorylation; this is due to the suppression of the two NADHs that are normally produced in each cycle of TCA. The mutants Thrivium Fostrogon, gamblerobacter koinos archenea, and Garlabi Tao utilized Proteorhodopsin, which gave them a slight edge during the daytime over their non-light eater cousins. Despite being slightly slower due to the larger size, being accidentally pushed into toxin clouds, and the fierce competition for glucose with Thrivium Diuturnus and Thrivum Pabulator during the night, life appears to continue on the fledgling world of Treerilia.
A small meteor streaks across the sky, harmlessly missing the planet.
@JustaDumbThriver @aah31415 @CatSquared @Cha @doomlightning
Mutant 4 Base: koinos archenea
Generation: 3
Population: 81
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Ecotype 2
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Ecotype 10
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Rusticyanin (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 4
Derived from Base Species:Diuturnus
Generation: 3
Population: 101
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Ecotype 11
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Thylakoids
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Thylakoids (-1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (-1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 6
Ecotype 12
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 120, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Derived from Base Species:Forager
Generation: 2
Population: 81
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Ecotype 13
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Rusticyanin (1,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0), (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Ecotype 14
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 213,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Ecotype 15
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Rusticyanin (0,-1)
Organelle Position: (0,0), (0,-1)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 1
Ecotype 4
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin, Flagella (standard length)
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0), 3) Flagella (1,-1)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0), 3) (1,-1)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2, 3) 5
Ecotype 5/6
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Derived from Mutant 4: Small cell
Generation: 3
Population: 101
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Ecotype 8
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Derived from Mutant 4: Tao
Generation: 3
Population: 101
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Ecotype 9
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.23, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Toxisome, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Toxisome (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 6, 2) 2
Derived from AI: Primum thrivum
Primum thrivum
Generation: 2
Population: 40 -60 +20 = 0
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Derived from g. kionos achenea
Ecotype 1/3
Generation: 2
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 2
Derived from Small cell
Ecotype 7
Generation: 3
Population: 1
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 2