Turn 2
Inhabited Patches:
Levaunian Tidepool
Physical Conditions
Temperature: 23 degrees Celsius, Pressure: 20 bar, Light: 100% lux (100% lux at noon)
Atmospheric Gases
Oxygen: 1%, Nitrogen: 60%, Carbon Dioxide: 14%, Other Gases: 25%
Hydrogen Sulfide: 0, Ammonia: 16, Glucose: 5, Phosphate: 20.006, Iron: 2.401
Surviving Players:
gamblerobacter archenea (Derived from Mutant 4)
Generation: 2
Population: 81 +60 +4 +8 +10 +5 = 148
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Thrivium phytus (Ecotype 11)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 +6 +5 = 76
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Thylakoids
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Thylakoids (-1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (-1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 6
Thrivium plasmsus (Ecotype 12)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 +6 +8 +5 = 84
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 120, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Thrivum Ferrus (Ecotype 13)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 +6 +8 = 79
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Rusticyanin (1,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0), (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Thrivum obscuratum (Ecotype 15)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 +10 +5 = 80
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Rusticyanin (0,-1)
Organelle Position: (0,0), (0,-1)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 1
Thrivium Fostrogonpo (Ecotype 4)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 = 65
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.41, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin, Flagella (standard length)
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0), 3) Flagella (1,-1)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0), 3) (1,-1)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2, 3) 5
Thrivium Fostrogon (Drived from Mutant 4)
Generation: 3
Population: 101 +60 +4 +6 +8 +10 +5 = 194
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Garlabi Tao (Derived from Mutant 4)
Generation: 3
Population: 101 +60 +4 +6 +10 +5 = 186
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.24, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Cytoplasm, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1, 2) 2
Garlabi Upsilon
Generation: 3
Population: 1 +60 +4 +6 +5 = 76
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.23, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 1.0
Organelles: Toxisome, Proteorhodopsin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Toxisome (0,0), 2) Proteorhodopsin (1,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0), 2) (1,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 6, 2) 2
Turn 2 Summary:
gamblerobacter koinos mesenae was one of many organisms displaying convergent evolution in action. Its predecessor, gamblerobacter koinos archenea , had evolved Proteorhodopsin, a light-induced proton pump that produces 6 ATP at max % lux. One could say it was a gamble to lose an important advantage, but then again, all mutations are gambles. Unfortunately, for g. k. mesenae, its gamble ended in death. Frantically searching for clouds of Glucose, its peregrination for Ammonia and Phosphate ended, not with a bang, or a poison cloud environmental hazard, but with a whimper. JustaDumbThriver has become extinct!
However, all was not lost for the gamblerobacter lineage. Its predecessor, gamblerobacter koinos archenea, still lived on.
Thrivium Diuturnus, which was effectively still the starting form of life, initially had a far better start. After nearly dying, it found some Glucose clouds and managed to live longer. It was extremely close to getting all the Ammonia and Phosphate it needed to divide, but alas, it ran out of glucose and died at the last second. Since it had higher population, it had another chance for survival. It seems fate was cruel that day, as night fell, the same exact situation occurred after it respawned, and its second death lead to the organism’s extinction (insert throwing-computer-out-of-rage meme here).
Fortunately, the same fate did not befall another member of the Diuturnus lineage. Thrivium diuturnus plasmsus had more active behavior than other members of its lineage, and perhaps that helped in its search for Glucose clouds. Unlike its predecessor, plasmus was lucky enough to be able to gather enough resources to divide at the last second, just before it was about to die from zero Glucose and zero ATP.
Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Thrivium Parvoferrus. One would expect Rusticyanin would boost the chances of survival for any organism. However, this was not the case. The sudden change of main resource meant it nearly died from having no resources. After attempting to get life-giving Iron, the most unexpected thing occurred. Other Parvoferrus, needing Iron, crowded the same Large Iron chunk and somehow boxed-in the fledgling iron-eater, preventing it from moving and getting any Iron. aah31415 has become extinction from being overcrowded!
Also, for the first time in history of life on Treerilia, a lifeform has evolved to produce oxygen. Thrivium diuturnus phytus not only survived.
In the Thrivum Pablator lineage, the eponymous organism did not fare well. Being a single hex of cytoplasm meant it is fast, but had very little storage. It died once with getting very little resources. While the second life was better, the lack of large Glucose clouds meant that it was very hard to reproduce and live with enough ATP. After being pushed into a poison cloud, the lack of ATP meant it died a slow and annoying death toward extinction.
The similar thing occurred with Thrivum pabulator unicuus. A change in color did not change its fate. Without Glucose came a colorless death, and with it, extinction.
There were individuals of the Pablator lineage that did better. Thrivum Ferrus, named after having a Rusticyanin, was able to make it to division. However, it nearly died after finding itself in a dead zone with no Iron particles in sight. As its health began to tick down, it barely made it to a cloud of Iron.
Also, Thrivum pabulator obscuratum , which looked similar to Ferrus, but the Rusticyanin was in a different spot and orientation, had an easy sail. It never ran out of Iron. Perhaps it just went in the right direction.
Within a Thrivium fostrogon lineage, the Thrivium fostrogon nodilus died the same way as most of those composed of a single Cytoplasmic: Extinction. The dead zone of resources it entered after an initial boon of them was a sign of the inevitability of its end.
This was not the case for Thrivum Fostrogonpo. Its larger size, due to have a Flagella facing the opposite of the orientation of movement, meant it was in no hurry to go anywhere. The only thing it faced was a shortage of Ammonia. Literally, where ever it looked, there was no Ammonia. However, like the tortoise and the hair, slow and steady wins the cell division.
Another similar organism was Garlabi Sigma in the Garlabi lineage. Luck did not summate its favor, as it lay dying in a cloud of Ammonia. It did not help that a large group of organisms suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gave it a laggy death. Extinction due to lag.
The other two Garlabli organisms, Garlabi Tao and Garlabi Upsilon , fared much better. Since Garlabi Tao was Mutant 4, it had no trouble in getting resourced needed for cell division. Despite having a Toxisome, due to the lack of oxygen, Garlabi Upsilon was not actually poisonous. This did not mean the Toxisome was useless; it still gave vital ATP via the Cytoplasm it was immersed in.
Also, a meteor began to enter the upper atmosphere of Treerilia. However, it was too small to make it all the way to surface, burning up and exploding in an airburst tens of miles above the South Pole.
gamblerobacter lineage
gamblerobacter koinos mesenae
Generation: 2
Population: 1 -60 +4 +8 +5 = -42
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Diuturnus lineage
Thrivium Parvoferrus
Generation: 3
Population: 1 -60 +4 +5 = -50
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Rusticyanin
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Rusticyanin (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 4
Thrivium Diuturnus (Derived from Base Species)
Generation: 3
Population: 101 -60 -60 +4 +6 +10 +5 -6 = 0
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Pabulator lineage
Thrivum Pabulator (Derived from Base Species)
Generation: 3
Population: 81 -60 -60 +4 +6 +10 +5 -6 = 0
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Thrivum pabulator unicuus (Ecotype 14)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 -60 +4 +8 = -47
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 213,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.34974357, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
fostrogon lineage
Thrivium fostrogon nodilus (Ecotype 5/6)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 -60 +4 +5 = -50
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
Garlabi lineage
Garblabi Sigma (Ecotype 8)
Generation: 3
Population: 1 -60 +4 +6 +8 +5 = -36
Color: #ffffffff; RGB: 255,255,255
Aggression: 100, Opportunism: 100, Fear: 100, Activity: 100, Focus: 100, Cannibalism: 0
Membrane Type: Single, Membrane Rigidity: 0
Base Speed: 0.33, Base Rotation Speed: 1000, Base Hex Size: 0.5
Organelles: Cytoplasm
Organelle Reproduction Order: 1) Cytoplasm (0,0)
Organelle Position: 1) (0,0)
Organelles Rotation Position: 1) 1
@JustaDumbThriver @aah31415 @CatSquared @Cha @doomlightning
I will post the options later on, since there are a lot of different branches to generate organisms on. Also, since @JustaDumbThriver’s and @aah31415’s organisms went extinct, but their lineages lived on, @JustaDumbThriver and @aah31415 will choose another generated organism from their respective lineage.