Intraspecific competition

When will intraspecific competition be implemented?

As far as I know, cannibalism between adult members of a species is generally rare, but they’ll often compete for resources without hunting each other. See: all the mating-related violence animals get up to. There’s no real reason why the player’s microbes can’t stab each other, it’s just a gameplay thing.

So, what sorts of intraspecific competition are reasonable, and when will they begin to be added? When do I get to stab myself for food?


The problem is that for now, if cannibalism has no penalties, then almost everyone will use it without penalty for their own species.


it’d be pretty easy to make it have the obvious penalty…

Pretty sure cannibalism hasn’t been added yet due to balancing issues (with the behaviour editor you could just turn your speciesmates into floating meat bags).

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This is exactly it, all players would just kill their own species all the time as there would be no downside.

Apparently there isn’t an open issue for this, but there’s definitely a code comment on the line that prevents attacking your own species about allowing it in the future when a proper drawback is designed.

Well a lot of players give feedback about how their own species has eaten a chunk that they were going for. Also your species members can eat prey or clouds you are targeting.


Yeah, that, at least, is viable emergent intraspecific competition.

At some point, attacking other members of your species will need to be properly implemented, for mate selection at least. I can imagine some creatures which might fight each other over food.

The population penalty for killing a member of your own species should probably be the main part, but I don’t know how exactly you’d balance that, especially with how bad auto-evo is at dealing with the player species.


The problem is that we’d need to make the player species be able to actually die out without needing the player itself to die. If the player never dies, neither will the player species.

As far as cannibalism, there are more species than you might think that kill young of their own species (usually but not not always males killing spawn of another male), but, relatively speaking, most of those species have a higher birth rate than Filicide rate. Separate but somewhat related, Sea Turtles and Octopus have large quantities of young, most of which do not make it to adulthood, but despite the shear percentage of killed young members of those species, the births out way the deaths. The species thrive despite their child mortality rates because the birth rates are big enough to overcome those. Current Auto-Evo may have difficulty with this, but it’s really just a numbers game.

As for sexual selection/mating competition, I am curious to see where Thrive eventually goes with this. Those I suspect mating competition to require mid or later stage 3 levels of intelligence.


If the player sexually reproduces and cannot find a mate, there will be no next generation. Assuming of course there are not other members of its species on another continent. Local extinction vs global extinction might be interesting.

Edit: Unless it is capable of Parthenogenesis. Though it would not evolve doing that.

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That’s just r-type species at work.

I wonder how will thr K/r distinction work like ingame…


One of the key aspects of evolution is not only a competition between the species, but also a competition within a species. Which is in quite bad condition in the current game, because not only there isn’t a fitness between the members of the same species or any impact on auto-evo whatsoever, but you can’t even hurt your relatives with a spike or any other organelle weapon. I think there should be at least some form of intraspecific rivalry that are dependent on aggression behavior and population number or something.


There were calls to add cannibalism, but for now the developers would need some time to properly balance it, which they don’t really have atm.

I can guess with macroscopic, other members of your species (outside of your herd/whatever) will start being treated increasingly more like members of other species, until in awakening you start to command over your group of your species whilist other groups of your species can’t really be commanded by you anymore, which would ultimately result in the development of separate civilizations from the one you’ve been guiding.

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I just wanted to clarify that intra-specific denotes “within species”, while another correct taxonomic term for below species is infra-specific. I had to double-check before posting this just to be sure I am not mixing up the terms, but @Oncpapa wrote it better than me.


“intra” is latin for ‘within’, while infra is latin for ‘below’; there is also ‘inter’ which is english for ‘between’

Infra-specific is correct in Taxonomy for “occurring beneath a species level”, which would denote something like a subspecies;
but intra-specific is also correct with the context of this thread, as it would be “Within Species” competition, and that is indeed what is called in Biology is “Intra-specific competition”.


  1. Edit: I thought AnthropocenianAge might have been critiquing the thread title but I reread and realized they may have just been clarifying for readers, thus making this a repeat of their post, sorry lol. ↩︎


@Oncpapa How did you add the three dots that displays hidden text? Also, thanks for adding more definitions! :+1: I will correct my post.

Going back to the topic, I just realized intraspecific competition can be indirectly increased or decreased by using the Signaling Agent. I wonder if a similar functionality could be done with the Chemoreceptor?


Write “[^1]” to place a foot note, this may be placed anywhere in a post,
then write “[^1]: Your text here” at the end of the post so that the footnote contains that text, the colon is necessary, remove the quotation marks;
if you want to use multiple foot notes increment the number after the exponent arrow.


Right, I also couldn’t figure out how to place those. Thanks for the help!