Is Thrive aboandoned?

Has development stoped cus the wast poust on the dev forum is a month ago?

Nope, Thrive is still being worked on, things are just slow due to the engine switch taking a while to complete, but 0.4.0 should be out sometime soon.

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We are still working on finishing the engine conversion. And as that doesn’t require having discussions about mechanics or anything like that there hasn’t been any discussions on the dev forum. You can see the latest activity going on here: Which has also slowed down as @Untrustedlife has been busy and I haven’t had the energy to really work on thrive.

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Looks like Thrive is entering stagnation again :confused:

Guards! Take this cretin to the goolag!


And you complained about communism,my comrade

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Juicy replies I must say

Oi, no political discussion in non political threads