Lamarckian Evo Game

This is a turn-based evo game that is based on the Lamarckian theory of evolution. More specifically, the rules are:

  • Each turn, every creature gets 1 complexity point and 5 adaptive points
  • Complexity points can be used to create new basic body parts (For example, a fin, cup eye, or shell), duplicate existing parts, or delete useless parts. Multiple copies of a part can be created, duplicated, or deleted
  • Adaptive points can be used to upgrade a single feature of a bodypart. Each bodypart can only be upgraded once in a turn, and newly made parts cannot be upgraded. Multiple copies of a bodypart can be upgraded for a single point
  • Behaviour/Environment changes are free
  • If you are evolving from the primordial worm, you get 3 complexity points, and can upgrade any part

When evolving a creature, use this format:
Evolutions/Adaptations: New parts; Adapted parts
Other Changes:

This is the primordial worm. It has a mouth, a gut, a brain, and sensory setae. It lives on algae mats and eats the algae

Here is the first evolution:
Name: Creeper
Ancestor: Primordial Worm
Evolutions/Adaptations: Added a heart, foot, and a pair of gills over the mouth; The gills are feathery, the heart has vessels to the important parts, the body fluids can carry oxygen, the mouth is wider, and the sensory setae can sense vibrations more readily
Other Changes: None


Name: Griss
Ancestor: Primordial Worm
Evolutions/Adaptations: Added a Arms/tentacles around the mouth, a Shell and Gills; The Arms/Tentacles haves hooks, The gills are internal around the body, The shell envelops the entire body except the mouth, the mouth can open and close and haves sensory setae all around the Arms/tentacles which enlarges and allows him to understand the direction and size
Other Changes: He walks on the arms / tentacles of the mouth, make him stands and walks with the help of the arms / tentacles.

I think I did it right Although I will not know how to call arms or tentacles around the mouth arms or tentacles

Name: Krik
Ancestor: Griss
Evo/adaps: the krik has a basic heart, where the griss was lacking. I’ll also upgrade the arms/tentacles with length and better grasping hooks. The shell will be upgraded to curve like a snail, and the setae will gain the ability to sense chemicals (smell).

Here are the current inhabitants of the world: In order, the creeper, griss, and krik. While they are happy to coexist as simple grazers, a new creature has emerged:

Name: Under-Green
Ancestor: Creeper
Evolutions/Adaptations: A stomach has been added; The body is far larger, the mouth is wider-open, the gills have folded into the mouth, the foot has become better for digging, and the setae can detect vibrations from eating
Other Changes: It now lives under the algae, and feeds on other animals, via undermining them and swallowing them whole

How will these creatures adapt to the new threat to their life?

Name: Exam
Ancestor: Creeper
Evolutions/Adaptations: an hard structure covering the body is added; the gills are shorter and closer to the body, the foot is longer, the sensory setae are entirelly covering the foot, has muscles around the mouth that make it so it can open and close it.

Other changes: normally avoids things that make vibrations unless is going to mate

Name: spearworm
Ancestor: undergreen
Evo/adaps: the largest change is the addition of simple eyes, and aside from this the foot has drastically increased in area and now behaves like a cuddlefish’s mantle, propelling it through the waves. It’s mouth also has a new abilitiy, a beak. This beak is quite soft, but strong enough to kill anything lacking armour. Lastly, the spearworm has a far more advanced circulatory system then it’s predecessors.
Other: it is shaped like squashed sea snake. Spearworms hunt by sensing movement (with setae or eyes) and desending from above with it’s swimming ability to kill. Their mostly vestigial digging abilitiy is put to use by barrying their eggs.

Name: Sting Stalk.

Ancestor: Griss

Evolution/Adaptations: The arms/tentacles develop venomous nematocysts as a defense mechanism against the Under-Green which gives it a reddish-purple color. The shell has become longer, and it has developed small, rasping teeth in its mouth.

Other Changes: The Sting stalk has become an opportunistic omnivore, feeding on algae and the corpses of under-green that it has managed to kill with it’s nematocysts.

Here are the current inhabitants of the world: In order, the creeper, griss, krik, undergreen, exam, spearworm, and sting stalk. But there is a new organism, this time a plant: This plant is a form of algae that floats in the sea, and blocks sunlight from the sea-floor. The algae-floored shallows that these creatures call home is winding down, and the only way to survive is up or out

Furthermore, a new creature has emerged:

Name: Chevron-Face
Ancestor: Exam
Evolutions/Adaptations: A cup eye has been added to the forehead; The skin is more water-tight, the gills are retracted and fully supported by the surrounding flesh, the hard piece is sturdier and more supportive, the front of the foot is extended into a sensory siphon, and the heart has more vessels coming out
Other Changes: It has moved from the algae-mats onto the rocky intertidal zone, where it often ends up out of the water. Its supported gills allow it to breathe air

@doomlightning @Deathwake @fralegend015 @UndyingHazard

Name: Legga-Liggo
Ancestor: Chevron-Face
Evolutions/Adaptations: limbs to the sides of the body used to keep the body from touching the ground; the hard structure envelops the body more, the hard structure is segmented to allow more mobility, the sensory siphon has muscles that allow it to move, the sensory siphon is thinner, the sensory siphon is split into 2 tendril-like sensory siphons.
Other Changes: it moved more inwater.

I think you should slow down a little, we passed from primordial life to almost terrestrial life in just 2 “rounds”

We started out with a worm, and the chevron-face’s terrestrial abilities are about limited to getting back in the water if it finds itself on land. Furthermore, on earth we have plenty of primitive life-forms thriving on land

Name: Freaus

Ancestor: Krik

Evolution/Adaptations: Add Swim bladder . Strengthens and splits the arms / tentacles, uses them as an active movement, produces veins and capillaries that connect to the heart and gills, the shell is divided into sigmats that contain the swimming bladder and sense chemicals now spread within the mouth and more sense of taste.

Other Changes: In a leg that has a swimming bladder, it no longer needs to shoe on the bottom and is actually able to swim and eat the floating algae, along with this, it is still at a young age it is forced to grow as its ancestors were until it is able to float.

Evo/adapts: cup eyes and smartness were added, with the gills gaining the ability to force water out of themselves for jet propulsion in some clades and filter feeding in others. The shell has also become far more hydrodynamic for swimming.
Other: they use their smartness to analyze situations, and do to their lack of variety in thinking strategy members of the same species often group up at a food source. Fun fact: they are on average 8 inches (20 cm) from the end of an arm to the end of their shell.

Would it be a good idea to make two species in one post? Nope. Will that stop me? What was it I just said? Nope.

Ancestor: spearworm
Evo/adapts: the swisher has cartilaganus spine and a calcified beak, with full lensed eyes. While it stays flatened along the vertical axis toward the head the changes as you go down the body culminating in a weak tail fluke. Dispite their rather lackluster movement options (as we humans judge such things), for their time they were speed demons, and a such were the pelagic superpredators.
Other: they have a slightly better brain! Swishers average 10 inches (24-ish centimeters) they can grow up to 24 inches! (50 cm)

As a note, the primordial worm started with a simple brain, which is still present in all of its descendants, so there wouldn’t be a need to add the head ganglion

Then I guess each instance of me saying ganglion means better brain? I’ll edit it.

Name: Lobe Worm

Ancestor: creeper

Evolution/adaptations: The sides of the animal developed into muscular anomalocarid-like flaps that it uses to swim for short distances to avoid predator’s and find more food. It also developed a better brain for quicker reaction speeds, and some of the setae around the sides of the head have become longer and more sensitive to vibrations. Lastly, it has taken on a similar green color to the surrounding algae mat to camouflage itself from swimming predator’s like the Swisher.

Other: The Lobe worm will swim away if it detects vibrations it associates with subterranean predator’s like the under-green, alternatively; it will hold still if it detects vibrations it associates with swimming predator’s like the swisher.

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Here are the current inhabitants of the world: In order, the undergreen, exam, spearworm, sting stalk, and lobe worm on the sea-floor; the chevron-face and legga-liggo in the rocky shallows; and the freaus, squik, and swisher in the open sea

The creeper, griss and krik, poorly adapted to the predator filled world, have gone extinct. The algae-mats, however, are again booming with life, as the krik’s descendants have kept the floating algae in check

But there is a new plant, though less damaging than the floating algae: A multicellular plant, with multiple fronds on a stalk. While it cannot get purchase on the algae-dominated sea-floor, but it thrives on the rockier shallows and shores

Also, a new creature has emerged:

Name: Slimpel
Ancestor: Chevron-Face
Evolution/Adaptations: Gained a hard internal beak; The siphon is more dextrous, the gills are more able to process air, the eye can sense colour, the foot is stronger, and the gut is coiled and longer
Other Changes: It feeds exclusively on the stalked plants, and can leave the water occasionally to grab plants above the surface. Externally, it is very similar to the chevron-face

@doomlightning @Deathwake @fralegend015 @UndyingHazard

I’m going in an evolutionary rampage

Name: Under-smeller

Ancestor: Under-green

Evolutions/Adaptations: added chemoreceptor cells inside the mouth; The mouth has muscles that allow it to suck in water and preys, has a chambered digestive track, the setae covers the upper part of the body, has a wider mouth, is bigger.

Other Changes: sucks in water to breath and smell, if it smells or senses vibrations it stops sucking water and waits.

Name: Body-shell
Ancestor: Legga-Liggo
Evolutions/Adaptations: added chemoreceptors into the sensory stalks; The shell covers the lower part of the body, every segment has 4 legs except the head segment that has no legs and 4 tentacular limbs that it uses to grab food, the eyes have a refractive cornea, the eyes are able to see a wider range of colour, has teeth in the mouth.

Other Changes: the Body-shell moved more inwater because the weight of his proto-exoskeleton makes his legs collapse outside water

Name: Berry

Ancestor: Squik

Evolution/Adaptations: Verticals-Jaw; Increases the surface of the hooks, Able to sense electricity in the arms of his senses, increases the amount of arms / tentacles, strengthens vision and there is a muscle that recycles water near the gills, which strengthens the import of oxygen and the power of the jet

Other Changes: It changes diet to a predator and is larger, so it is actually quite similar to ammonites in a sense


Name: Hix

Ancestor: Sting Stalk

Evolution/Adaptations: Branchiostegal lung/Gills; The venom is stronger, it is able to return its whole body back to the conch, the conch is longer, it has a muscle inside the gills that draws water and air into its body and its skin is less permeable.

Other Changes: This species specializes in beaches and is even capable of moist soil, and breathing air, which allowed it to exploit sources that were not previously accessible to other creatures, it hides inside the conch when there is danger.

Name: hydropod
Ancestor: berry
Evo/adapts: a tough beak, faster jets, better eyes, smarter, more tenticals (10) and size. Spicificly they can get up to 3 meters (10 feet), true sea titans.
Other: hunts other shelled critters as well as spearworms and swishers.

Name: sloshers
Ancestor: spearworms
Evo/adapts: an external chitin support structure, gill rakes, suction feeding, better eyes, size, and a tail fluke.
Other: uses it’s suction feeding and gill rakes to filter feed on plankton. Can grow up to 4 feet long (a meter and change).

Name: Drifting Nettle.

Ancestor: Sting stalk

Evolution/Adaptations: It has developed a gas filled chamber inside of it’s shell that it can use to control it’s buoyancy, the arms/tentacles have split apart into four flexible tendrils that end in chitinous grasping hooks.
Other changes: the species is entirely carnivorous, using the hooks at the end of it’s limbs to hold onto prey so it can let it’s nematocysts do all the work in killing the prey before eating.

Name: Verdant Crawler.

Ancestor: Lobe Worm

Evolution/Adaptations: The gills have become internal to protect them from harm, the heart has developed an extra chamber increasing it’s efficiency. It has also developed two pairs of eyespots, one pair closer to the top of it’s head, the other towards the front that are capable of detecting changes in light and movement.