Lets figure out Thrive 0.4.0 guys

Chloroplast build

Category: Start build
1st - 1 chloroplast, 6 cytoplasm
Me being eaten by some bad boys.

Expectations: Ok, another start build. I expect this to be kinda like all the previous builds, but with a chloroplast. I think it would be a 8-9/10 on broken scale

Reality: Well, I was totally right, it was just as easy. I will probably stop doing start builds because I cant see the difference between my cells. Change occur over time, they say.
I guess I did a bad job explaining why it is so easy, so I’ll try to give some analysis on the subject:

  • First of all, the biggest problem atm is cloud collecting. This is what makes all these builds OP. You only need a colud or two and you are ready to evolve.
  • Second thing is that resources are not contested at all. Other cells are dangerous, but I only see one or two before evolving.
  • Number three is the auto-evo, which works once every 10 minutes. That means that the game supports fast players. And there is nothing wrong with that idea, but atm if you evolve fast, other cells just stay the same as well.
  • Number four is victory condition. Right now you just have to survive for 15 generations, and that is easy.
  • Number five - you are spawned in the place where you have entered the editor. That seems unimportant, but that means that finding a huge cloud means 2-3 free evolutions
  • I guess that’s all for now.
    I would give this 10/10 broken, now you can’t even run out of atp
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