Lords of the Ring - Forum Game Reboot

Oh god damnit

Action: Try to fix my band ? Like rally more people I dont know ?

Edit: Leave serialkiller’s band alone when I’ll be rallying my people

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Well that could have gone better.

Vote: Fortify the current location by any means necessary.

Extra: Name the beasts ‘Euela’(Singular and plural. A general name for large beasts).

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Alright, at least our situation has improved now.

Vote 1: Adjust my goats to prefer eating the grasses of the home valley.

Extra: Name the goats “Ylash” (singular and plural)

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Nice, seems like this place will become a sweet home
Thanks for the round

Action: Learn to work the vegetal fibers to make sandals and recipients for the gatherers

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sorry for asking but why didn’t i get to tame the Maklao if i got a roll of 17? sorry again

Vote: Attempt to tame the Maklao again

Because the Maklao cannot be tamed. They are too temperamental and are not at all interested in your handlers’ taming attempts, instead they’d prefer to try and eat your people.

sigh i guess ill just settle the area

Revote: Start building houses

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Wait, im confused. Who is to the north of me?

Vote 1: Try to tame the purple horses

Extra: Name the Purple Horses “Stotempi” (Singular and Plural)

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Your scouts are reporting signs of other bands having passed through the area, not that there is necessarily someone living up there. :wink:

@Aviscerator and @LordClassyus you are the only votes remaining.

Can i play this game?

Since there will be someone joining in in this coming round, you will have to be put on the waitlist @PositiveTower.

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Pretty good round yet again.

Vote: What we’re going do is goooooo west.(live is peaceful there)

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Does this game need knowledge of the lord of the ring world?

I’m afraid this game has very little to do with the Lord of the rings. It’s a civ game that takes place on a ring world, so the name is a play on words.
You don’t need to know anything about LotR to play this game.

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I think before wanting to play you should read the older posts…


Round 3

See (@serialkiller)

Vote: Tame the predatory birds, using the goats as bait (14)


Using some of your moderate goat herds as bait, your handlers have managed to at least regularly attract the attention of the predatory birds in this method. They are nowhere near what would be called tame, as most interactions result in the bird taking off after making their kill, and/or chasing off those that try to approach them. Eventually, the birds seem somewhat comfortable waiting for their regular sacrifices, but it cuts into your herds’ production of meat and hide. This means your hunters have to pick up the resulting slack, resulting in some minor grumbling, though this is somewhat overshadowed by the lessening of the threat of the birds. Your handlers say that, provided there isn’t any unfortunate events, it may be possible to tame these birds, at least enough that they’d be willing to roost around your band’s range without attacking your people regularly.

Stability: 1

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts report that there are signs of another band splitting off from the band to the north, heading east into the mountains with goats in tow. They also report sightings of foreign Augrela attempting to discreetly spy on your band, chasing them off upon catching sight of the intruders. A few individuals have also gone missing from your band, and your scouts report that they followed these missing individuals as they met up with members of another band that they overheard calling themselves the Novak. These latter two revelations cause some amount of grumbling, as many see these two incidents as related to each other and look out for anything or anyone who is suspicious. Your scouts direct their efforts of searching signs of other bands more thoroughly as a result, wanting to prevent any further incidents.

In other news, your scouts also report the arrival of purple horse-like creatures from the northeast, now inhabiting the northern edges of the home valley. The alpha males that lead these herds are very territorial, but not dangerous provided the herds are given a wide berth. This has not prevented opportunistic hunting by your people on the weaker members of the herds, however.

Yirha (@aviscerator)

Vote: Migrate East (9)


Your band has made some moderate progress to the east, managing to reach the fringes of the eastern mountains. Scouts report that the encounters with the armored beasts and climbing birds have grown fewer, while sightings of purple horse-like creatures have also cropped up, the animals seeming to have migrated towards the home valley. Your people are glad to be away from the aggressive animals, though the aggression of the male horses is still off-putting. Your gatherers have reported that they have found bushy plants with wide, thick leaves that are edible in addition to what remnants of the purple fruits. The rodents and insects are also less common here, but provide a supplementary food source aside from the horses that can be hunted down. This move to a slightly less dangerous locale has resulted in a small morale boost, though some are still somewhat unhappy with the overall situation.

Stability: -1

Power: 1

Extra: Your far-ranging scouts indicate movements in the direction of the home valley, of another band moving almost as if to take your old range, though they seem to be quite tiny in number. They also report signs that there could be a band to the east or northeast of your current position.

Malphas (@blackink)

Vote: Learn to work the vegetal fibers (17)


With great effort, your people have created a process to work the fibers of plants into usable strands. With this, they have created simple baskets for carrying food as well as simple sandals to pad their feet against the rough terrain of the upper mountain trails. This has helped your gatherers immensely in carrying their hauls back to the band, and has the potential to be of great help to your hunters and in your people in general. The sandals your people make with these methods are a nice morale boost as well due to being able to handle rough terrain for longer periods of time, allowing your scouts and gatherers to venture farther up the mountains. This has improved morale a fair amount, and allows your hunters to focus more on the demi-Astani than the goats in the higher trails. While not what many would consider a perfect solution, your people are definitely in a better spot than they were before.

Stability: 3

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts report movement in the west, it seems another new band may be moving into or through the area. Your people are simultaneously curious and a bit nervous, seeing as it takes a lot of bravery to make the trek into these mountains.

Novak (@Louix)

Vote: Rally more people (5)


Your envoys have managed to gain a very small amount of people from the other bands, which you have learned are called the Azba, See, and Ssuiis. However, your efforts have not at all gone unnoticed, and they are unlikely to work again now that these other bands are on watch. Your resolute failure to make any significant gains in rallying people from other bands has somewhat translated to your efforts to solidify the bonds of your own band. Morale has not at all improved, and the growth that occurred has been minimal. Your scouts report that all other bands in the area are still much bigger than your own. Your band still resides on the brink, but these new numbers have stabilized your condition at least a little.

Stability: -3

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts have reported what appear to be Donsou scouts roaming the area, attempting to spy on your band. They have been chased away, but it has made your people extra wary of any foreign activity, and many desire to get away from the home valley and vacate the areas around it soon afterward. In other news, your hunters have encountered purple horse-like creatures. The alpha males of the herds are quite territorial, but are otherwise not dangerous provided your people give the herds a wide berth. However, that doesn’t stop your hunters from opportunistically picking off the weaker members of the herd. Providing your band with a much needed source of meat aside from the large reptiles that moved into the valley and the saber-toothed dogs that followed them.

Atorii (@oncpapa)

Vote: Fortify current location (14)


Fearing attempts to take your band’s current range from them, your people set about building simple pit traps. They are very labor intensive to make with the simple handheld stone tools your band possesses, and as such few can be made before the efforts are given up. If your band possessed more advanced tools, more pits could have been dug, and more sophisticated traps could have been made. But for now, your people have resigned themselves to their simple pits covered with leaves and grass. Some sharpened stones have been left in a few, but not all, and the locations of some have been forgotten, but once more not all have. Even with such meager measures, your people are somewhat assured that any would-be invaders will have trouble with the traps.

Stability: 0

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts report signs that there is indeed another group of Augrela moving about, but they have not managed to catch up to them yet nor has this other much smaller band reached out to yours. This only makes your people more wary than before. Signs point to this tiny band having moved through your range in going north, but with this new paranoia setting in, your people aren’t so sure it isn’t a trick.

Yslach (@lordclassyus)

Vote: Migrate West (15)


Your people manage to migrate to the west successfully, managing to navigate the forest trails without losing more than some of their number to the labyrinth. They have come upon the lake reported to the west, feeding into no less than three rivers that flow to the north. Here, they find more of the two-legged boars, as well as woolier versions of the sloths from before. The scavenging felines don’t seem to be able to handle the slightly harsher colds of this higher elevation. Your people quickly begin searching the lake for food sources, which come in the form of reed plants on the shore that have edible leaves as well as seed capsules, provided they’re cooked first. They also discover eels that can be caught somewhat haphazardly from the lake proper, while they have to compete with heavily armored crustaceans that possess four pairs of claws and shells your current spears cannot penetrate. While mournful of the losses sustained, your people are more than happy to take up living by the lake’s shore. Some even see it as a bastion of safety amongst the trees.

Stability: 2

Power: 1

Extra: The signs of other bands has died down after your move, the only tracks your scouts report back likely being far-ranging scouts from other bands as well. Your people’s curiosity about these other bands has thus waned.

Ssuiis (@agenttine)

Vote: Acclimate the Ylash to the home valley grasses (6)


Your handlers’ attempts meet with minimal success, as attempts to breed out the individuals with more of an affinity for the grasses of the home valley has resulted in a minimal increase in ability to thrive on that diet alone. However, these individuals are often smaller than their unaltered brethren, and thus not as productive even when compared to a goat fed a combined diet. Your handlers manage to avoid this fate for your entire herds, but now they are nearly half smaller grass eating goats, and half unaltered goats. This waste of time and energy has resulted in a small hit to morale, only made worse by further events.

Stability: -2

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts have reported a few individuals have gone missing from your band, and reports have come in that they have left to join a band in the north of the home valley called the Novak. This angers your people and leaves them extra wary and incensed towards other Augrela of foreign origin. Now some advocate for driving away the other band that is rumored to share the hinterlands with yours. In addition, another band has split off from yours, calling themselves the Sasquatchitaw, and they have headed east into the mountains. They have taken some of your band’s goats with them, leaving your already small herds smaller than before, further incensing your people, whom quickly renounce their former kin.

In other news, your scouts also report the presence of purple horse-like creatures inhabiting the northern edges of the home valley. They are headed by territorial alpha males, but are otherwise not dangerous to your people, who begin to hunt them every so often.

Alitize (@soundwave)

Vote: Begin construction of housing (17)


Using the long grasses of the rainforests, reinforced by thin and flexible branches, your people have begun constructing grass huts for themselves. While not portable on the move, your people have begun acclimatizing to living simply in one place, the shelter provided by your new huts just as good as, if not better, than the shelter provided by the trees they would otherwise settle in. These grass huts are even light enough to be placed up in the branches. Your people have made a landmark invention in the form of housing, and have begun the transition from band to tribe. Though now they also have to make a transition from gathering in a range to gathering around their new village. However, this ability to create new shelter rather than rely on their natural surroundings is a great boost to morale.

Stability: 3

Power: 1

Extra: Your far-ranging scouts report that a new band has moved in to the south of your tribe. While they appear to be tiny compared to your tribe, they have not attempted to make contact and seem to be deliberately avoiding contact with your tribe or the bands in the areas around your village. This has your people slightly on edge, but the fact that these signs are distant and very small means the impact is very minimal.

Krangei (@Svrangite)

Vote: Try to tame the Stotempi (11)


Your handlers, while not able to succeed in taming the temperamental Stotempi, have managed to get them somewhat comfortable with your people’s presence, though not without some injuries to your novice handlers. Your people still hunt some of the herds, but they have the good sense to avoid hunting those herds that your handlers have managed to somewhat pacify. This relationship isn’t perfect, and sometimes your handlers have to retreat from a new alpha male in a herd, but it’s a start. The possibilities your people are beginning to see in these creatures has instilled a small amount of excitement at the prospect of having these creatures at your people’s beck and call.

Stability: 0

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts report signs of the band to the northeast encountering trouble, causing some amount of nervousness amongst your people as to what they may encounter there. They also report increased movement of other bands, and one seeming to disappear entirely, to the west and northwest respectively. This further increases your people’s nervousness about events around them. Enough to cause a small dip in overall morale.

Sasquatchitaw (@JSpinoraptor)

Vote: Migrate East with preference for wooded areas (9)


Starting from the hinterlands, your band has managed to make some progress into the mountains proper. Favoring the lower, more wooded trails, they have happened upon a small valley, rather densely wooded. It is filled with what appear to be smaller versions of the Astani, using their long necks to feed off of the lower branches. Your hunters and gatherers still have to venture up into the mountains to gather the more plentiful goats, bitter nuts, and roots, but these demi-Astani provide a good supplement to your band’s diet. However, this is considered a fairly good start to your band’s possible journey. Your parent band’s failure to migrate properly into this area before however causes some sensitivity to a new development.

Stability: 0

Power: 1

Extra: Your scouts report signs that your band may not be alone in the mountains, saying they have seen signs of other Augrela roaming the trails, though the footprints look strange and not at all like an Augrela foot, seeming to have the general shape but lacking toes. This causes some superstition amongst your people, who tell stories of strange Augrela-like beings that lack fingers and toes and other features that roam the mountains looking for Augrela to steal those things from.


Insert swear word of choice off, will you? Is this what you call revenge for another forum game?

Vote: Attempt to integrate the Novak population into your band peacefully, trying to reclaim our lost people.

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Vote: Domesticate the available edible plants near my band

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