no, seriously, of course I understand everything, but WHY do bacteria, instead of effectively and realistically becoming specialized on one food source (like photosynthetic bacteria for example), start indiscriminately molding themselves into different organelles indiscriminately even if they don’t work? Why does a bacterium that lives far from hot springs have chemosynthesis and thermosyrthesis? Why is a bacterium on the ocean floor without light capable of photosynthesis? I propose to change the auto-evo system a little so that it is more logical, for example, to make it so that if there is too little resource for some organelle (for example, light for photosynthesis), then the bacterium will not add this organelle to itself.
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There is an inprogress change to switch to a completely different algorithm for auto-evo simulations based on miches:
I think this is the best explanation for what miches are:
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Will it be introduced in the next update?
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There is a chance. Though it is such a huge change that it is hard to get it all polished up and ready to merge into the main code. This week that PR has not really been progressing so whether it makes it into the release will depend on if the PR can pick up speed next week. Otherwise it’ll start to look a bit uncertain if it makes it in in time.