Managing multiple species

I recall seeing this idea… I think on the votes screen? Barely remember. Anyway, here’s my take on it:

If you’re trying to maximise your auto-evo score, you’re up a pretty bad creek, because environments are different and your species’ niche isn’t present in all of them. So I suggest the following: you can choose to diverge your species in the patch. As a result, you’ll form a new subspecies that you can adapt to that specific patch without altering your species in the others. You’ll be able to jump between these species at will, and you can’t have multiple subspecies in one patch - but, if auto-evo frowns upon you, your subspecies will diverge too far and become separate species. You’ll then have to pick one to stick with; the others will be handed over to auto-evo.


Will this also apply to AI cells to make it fair?

I like this idea. It allows people to see differences, and those Subspecies are better adapted to those specific niches, like in real life.

I actually think Auto-Evo should diverge Subspecies into Species regardless of whether the Player does well or not. Subspecies are treated as separate AI players.

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I think I remember seeing “multiple species” as a way to make plants less boring, switching between a plant and an animal. Can’t find where that was though.

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I think at this point this will just take too much time and effort to add to the roadmap. And even then it has to pay off for the hours spent coding this in…

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I don’t really know how this’d apply to AI cells, since you can consider them to all be operated by the same ‘player’ already - auto-evo. I suppose this subspecies idea could be generalised into just ‘you control multiple species’, but…

Yeah, this is the better point, it’s probably too much effort for only marginal gain.


The more “obvious improvements” are coded in, the harder it gets to find paying-off features to code-in…