I will draw an evolution card, then fight GodOfKnowledge, then discard a card
do you want to discard a random card or a specific one?
I will do a specific one I will discard the rabbit.
Ill change my action to fight Wolf7,
what is the start and end of your turn?
edit- if you need reference, look at Wolf7’s turn
Train in the art of falling leaf
start - discord 1 leaf
i did it right?
not quite. the start of your turn is more than just saying start. Also, you need an action. A good example of turn would be,
Draw an evolution card, fight the rabbit, discard my leaf.
if that so -
draw Evo-card, give energy (because if I right, I am a plant) and discord my leaf (for start)
@Centarian @YourbroGarson i need your votes
@GodOfKnowledge you still need to fix your vote
Draw 2. I don’t think I have any other cards.
Draw evolution card, fight the rabbit, discard the penguin.???
If you look at the bottom of your tab, it will tell you what cards you have. If you don’t care what card gets discarded, it can just be a random discard.
I’ll discard a random card.
Wolf7- I will draw an evolution card, then fight GodofKnowledge, then discard a rabbit
Wolf7 flies around as a leaf, they find some flopping thing on the land close to the sea. They fly it up to their collection, it was a fish.
They then challenge the other lively leaf, GodofKnowledge
3 vs 3
Wolf7 is gliding around GodofKnowledge and tries to slash them in half. They dodge, expecting an ameutur move such as that. They try a new attack they have been working on, the falling leaf. It misses you and carries them away, for now. GodofKnowledge returns for a rematch, you defeat them easily and collect a hawk from them.
You drop of a rabbit you had into the wild, allowing it to regain its freedom.
You have- 2 fish and 1 woodpecker
doomlightning- draw Evo-card, and discord my leaf
doomlightning is swaying in the ocean when they sense something dive into the water next to them. They ensnare the thing that dived into their territory, it was a hawk.
Another object falls onto the water, but float right on top this time. doomlightning grabs the object, it is a leaf.
They feel it is time to let go of a leaf, especially now that they have a new one. They allow one of their leaves to float to the top of the water.
You have- 1 seaweed, 1 leaf, 1 hawk, and 1 eagle
GodofKnowledge- I draw a card, fight Wolf7. Discard hawk
GodofKnowledge spots some animals cackling on the land. They decide to use the attack they made up, the falling leaf, to collect the animal, it was a hyena.
After blowing themselves away from the previous fight with Wolf7, they challenge them to a rematch.
15 vs 18
Out of revenge after being attacked, GodofKnowledge retries his falling leaf attack on Wolf7. They now dodge easily, after knowing what is coming. Instead of flying away after combat, this time Wolf7 counterattacks the falling leaf with a simple flick. This hits GodofKnowledge, destroying them, and costing them a hawk and an energy.
After their battle, they become lazy and drop another hawk.
You have- 1 quail and 1 hyena
Centarian- Draw 2. Discard random.
A random animal is flying above Centarian, but randomly falls in reach of them. They grab the animal, it was an eagle.
Somehow the eagle had some dangerous animal in its beak. It seemed like it should be larger than it is, it was, somehow, an orca.
Because the orca doesn’t seem to be the correct size for an orca, you let it be free.
You have- 1 penguin, 1 hyena, 1 mountain lion, and 1 eagle
YourbroGarson- Draw evolution card, fight the rabbit, discard the penguin.
Some object lands on top of YourbroGarson. They collect the delicate object that floated to them, it was a leaf.
They fight a rabbit that is threatening to eat him.
8 vs 8
YourbroGarson sense the rabbit eating a patch of grass beside them. YourbroGarson attempts to grab the rabbit and bring it into the earth. They are successful at thea, but the rabbit just burrows away.
YourbroGarson throws out a penguin that they didn’t know why they had.
You have- 1 leaf, 1 woodpecker, and 1 hyena
@Wolf7 @doomlightning @GodOfKnowledge @Centarian @YourbroGarson
Evolve toward my goal,
Discard hyena.
you don’t have the correct cards to evolve. if you try to evolve, it will give you a card, but it won’t give you enough to evolve, so it’ll do nothing else. Evolving technically is something you can do, but it will do the same as drawing a card. to evolve, you need 3 rabbits
Then draw draw discard the hyena.
Draw a card, and train my falling leaf move against the hyena, I will not lose, I have learned there is a path within the wind, winds are just a method of movement, my spiritual awakening has opened my mind, I think clearer, I can’t believe all the flaws the falling leaf technique has, I shall improve, instead of a downward attack, ill change it.
Falling Leaf; Clockwork Form
there are 12 moves, each representing a different area of attack, 6 are straight up, 12 are straight down, and they each flow into each other, I can pick any other move and have an equal amount of flow, it flows like clockwork. This time I will not be defeated… I shall improve Falling Leaf even more, to the heavens I shall rise!
interesting action, i’ll allow it and probably have it do something new.