Metabolism and thermoregulation

in the “metabolism” tab there will be sliders responsible for metabolism, the first slider is always responsible for the rate of glucose processing into energy, also with an increase in the rate of glucose processing, the heat generated by the body increases, the remaining sliders are responsible for the rate of processing other substances into glucose and other organic substances. The body receives heat in 2 ways - external heating, metabolism; the body loses heat only by radiation into the environment. Coverings such as feathers and fur reduce both heat loss into the environment and the receipt of heat from the environment, which makes these covers undesirable for creatures with a slow metabolism and, conversely, desirable for creatures with a high metabolism.


This seems to be overall a good concept

So if you set your glucose consumption slider too high when compared with glucode production slider, would you get debuffs from having your cells underfed? Or would there be limits to prevent extreme differences between glucode production and consumption?

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