Microbe Colors

Currently, you can choose your Microbe color from a palette, meaning you can have any color independent of anything. From what i know, organisms in real life inherit their color from traits in their body. Of course, the game being like this would heavily limit creativity, but the way it is now also takes some of the realism, at least for me. Seeing a bunch of colorful organisms floating about, it’s weird. Is anything planned on the subject? Will it be the way it is? A discussion on this would be interesting.


Yes, it makes sense. I think so, too

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I agree! It drives me crazy seeing creatures with bright green pigments inside them, floating around as a dark purple color. It removes the realism and will poorly impact the simulation of evolution. I mean for example the reason plants are green is because they need to be to photosynthesize properly, since the chlorophyll in their cells is naturally green. If cell color is based purely on choice without the presence of things like pigment, organisms can just randomly evolve camouflage with no consequence and stuff like that. Color should be included as something to consider during evolution, and it should be related to pigment, especially in the cell stage.

During later stages making it a bit more abstract makes sense because it would be tedious to create and place individual pigments to place on your organism manually to form the desired colors and patterns. But during the cell stage, color can be as simple as whatever organelles are most common in your body.

They can just implement a system in which the more of a part you have, the more the light in your membrane refracts to match that color.
You’ve got a lot of thylakoids? Congrats, your membrane has now shifted to a more green color.
Got a lot of rusticyanins? Congrats, your membrane is now a rusty red/orange/brown color (idk which.)
They can even implement a generic pigment system if you want to manipulate yourself to be a color not like the organelles you have. But that’d be a whole separate evolution… As it should be. Color is as much related to the biology of the organism as the shape of the organism is.

Implementing a pigment system would also be helpful for adding patterns and colors to organisms in the macroscopic stage. If you’ve already evolved pigments, you can add color to your organism more quickly. As for how the coloring system would work for a macroscopic organism, I’m honestly not sure. But the cell stage should have a basic, yet scientific system- which it currently does not.