Mossala (Spec evol project about sea slugs)

ok so after that sicence post about Phylliroe bucephala getting some views, i decied to start this! anyways here is what i have come up with (ik a bit about world building and stuff but i’m new to this so feedback is good):

Planet and star

Mossala is a small, rocky planet (around 85% of earth radius), terraformed by some unkown force and seeded with life, mossala is mostly covered by salt water seas and a few spread cotinents and smaller isles, Mossala orbits around its home star, a K-type star, with around 5,200 K of temperature and 0.8 solar masses, orbiting around 0.4 AU, Mossala gets quite some heat, around a tropical warm climate.

Starting seeded lifeforms

  • Many groups of phytoplankton and zooplankton (main food source for surface level animals)
  • Phylliroe bucephala (the main star of the show, eats the plankton at the surface)
  • Scotoplanes globosa (sea pigs to live at deeper waters and to eat leftover marine snow caused by the plankton)

now that we have a basic setup that we can work with, i want to make this project be similar to twilight’s set environment forum games, were you can freely make up new species starting with this ones, some art for how the species works will be appreciated, hopes this gets to a interesting level! cheers!


Can you explain the rules? Like how we make up new species? How much can we change our species?

so here are the rules:
u can make a new species from the present ones the users or me made
u can make changes in steps of at max 10m yrs, so changes can be quite significant (also u need to explain the current year with the step size)
art is optional, but its good to have it for greater detail


This is also my first time doing a forum game, so bear with me.
A new species branches off from phylliroe bucephala, phylliroe comeditlucem. It evolved to suck chloroplasts out of phytoplankton, similar to what costasiella kuroshimae (leaf sheep) does with algae, and can now photosynthesize. It still moves around, but has a decreased need for food, but occasionally needs to restock on chloroplasts. It also evolved better eyes, due to genetic drift. It lives in shallow coastal waters.
I don’t have art but will make some and edit this post with it.
Am I doing it right? Is this how the forum game works?


Many new species of zooplankton emerge which begin to predate on other zooplanktonic creatures, causing a large increase in size of these new plankton predators.


ok so here is our current timeline with the new species from @Moth500 and @aah31415

  • 0 ma: start of the starting species.
  • 5 ma: plankton predators evolves.
  • 10 ma: phylliroe comeditlucem evolves.

and then a supernova explosion occurs very close to the star system of the planet Mossala and all life on the planet dies.