Multicellular crash with System.ArgumentException: Intended new member index may not be 0

I ate a cell and it crashed

I’m not sure if it matters, but I did also earlier gain my second multi-cell cell, and it immediately died due to spawning on a cell with spikes, I’m not sure if the issue was with me gaining another cell thinking its the third when it was in truth the second once again.

Looking at the log, this is not related to engulfing at all. Here’s the error from the log:

ERROR: Unhandled Exception:
ERROR: System.ArgumentException: Intended new member index may not be 0
ERROR:   at Components.MicrobeColonyHelpers.FinishQueuedMemberAdd (Components.MicrobeColony& colony, DefaultEcs.Entity& colonyEntity, System.Int32 parentIndex, DefaultEcs.Entity newMember, System.Int32 intendedNewMemberIndex, DefaultEcs.Command.EntityCommandRecorder recorder) [0x0002c] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at Systems.DelayedColonyOperationSystem.CompleteDelayedColonyAttach (Components.MicrobeColony& colony, DefaultEcs.Entity& colonyEntity, DefaultEcs.Entity& entity, DefaultEcs.Command.EntityCommandRecorder recorder, System.Int32 targetMemberIndex) [0x0000d] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at Systems.DelayedColonyOperationSystem.Update (System.Single delta, DefaultEcs.Entity& entity) [0x00071] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at DefaultEcs.System.AEntitySetSystem`1[T].Update (T state, System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] entities) [0x0000f] in <71cea9262b2d4f47b57b59fbd6ae9b26>:0 
ERROR:   at DefaultEcs.System.AEntitySetSystem`1[T].Update (T state) [0x000c3] in <71cea9262b2d4f47b57b59fbd6ae9b26>:0 
ERROR:   at MicrobeWorldSimulation.OnProcessFixedLogic (System.Single delta) [0x0027d] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at WorldSimulation.ProcessLogic (System.Single delta) [0x00092] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at WorldSimulation.ProcessAll (System.Single delta) [0x00000] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 
ERROR:   at MicrobeStage._Process (System.Single delta) [0x00083] in <08f4d4f178ae431ca005620580334d34>:0 

That’s a known crash related to colony regrowth after losing cells. It should be fixed in already, so could you please update the Thrive version you are playing?