Multiple members of species even though population is only 1

This happens every time i enter a new patch. For some reason, even though my population says its only me here, it shows other members of my species there for some reason. Its not really significant, and i would rather call it a lack of a feature instead of a bug, but its pretty weird.


The population count is not literal, “1” could mean millions of microbes.

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Do you have screenshot or video of it ?

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No, that what the developers said.

Perhaps there should be more of an indication (like putting “million(s)” after the population number)

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If it had some unit, it would have just a big “T” (as most realistic would be like at least a 100 trillion modifier considering how many bacteria there are in an ocean) but that would just get really useless when all population numbers everywhere would need to have that suffix added.


How do we prevent this sort of confusion then?

Is there a need to? Even if a page in the Thriveopedia was written that explained this concept, I doubt anyone would read that page before posting about the discrepancy the noticed.


I think that would be a good idea. Since I also thought it only literally meant 1 microbe, and was constantly confused why species in auto-evo only went up to a few thousand at most


Guess this will be an another “only will be added if some developer is interested” feature

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Even then it would be a nightmare to test that change because some place in the game will be forgotten and then we’ll get months of bug reports of people noticing some place where population numbers don’t have the correct suffix. And additionally when moving to multicellular the suffix would need to change so the system needs to actually be flexible enough to be able to show different suffixes for different species types (based on which stage they are in).


And remember:
Trillions of ants.
Billions of humans.
Half a million elephants.
And that’s all in the Aware stage.

It wouldn’t be a matter of just appending a suffix. The game would actually need to be able to process different orders of magnitude of species size.


Maybe instead of population we could switch to levels of conservation at some point?

Levels of conservation?

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Like least concern, endangered, etc.

Sounds like something for the Industrial stage.

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I mean perhaps something similar could be made to rank “how well” are species doing in the evolution stages

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Evolution isn’t about how ‘well’ the species is doing. As long as you’re surviving, you’re successful.

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There are still levels as to how close a species is to no longer surviving…

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