Name: metal leg (fellum segmetus)
Ancestor: metal cymball
Description: they develop legs to walk around the sea floor, in search of iron and dead meat
Sound: along with cymbals, their legs can play like hi hat
Contribution: a measure before colonial streaker
Name: metal gliders. (fellum segmetus)
Ancestor: metal leg
Description: They start to create legs, with flippers, they now glide in the water like birds in the air.
Sound: Flute
Contribution: 2 measures after colonial streaker
Name: metal flyer (fellum glidus)
Ancestor: metal glider
Description: their legs lengthen and widen, making it efficient at swimming
Sounds: clarinet
Contribution: plays after the introduction of metal glider
Name: True Flyer (veritas atmos)
Ancestor: Metal Glider
Description: They start to go into the air, because the water got to crowded and their orange blobs and energizers start to work better, becoming more efficient in the air than their penguin-like counterparts, if any meteor-related-extinction event happened, then these would definitely survive, as they could take to the skys.
at least until this happens
Sound: flute
Contribution: plays 1 measure after the introduction of metal glider