My world building project

if not they’re starving to extinction, surviving by eating eachother, or sacrificing eachother for the survival of less energy intensive individuals as we speak, which isn’t a very good survival strategy

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They eat any meat they find as stated. They eat all their edible enemies alive. This includes human meat.

There aren’t any humans though? The only other creatures present afaik are microorganisms, which if I’m correct is why Aah asked this

so they’re currently surviving solely off of canibalism

guys, just evolve the life bro just go ayo

Thats why I suggested to create an ancestor, but now that I created it canonically sapient-engineered, its better to just add it in later.

More spaceengine Aurora things that i made

Caliles Map

Exploring Arcadia skies close to the dense atmosphere


The calilies map doesn’t work for me.

I think I clicked on delete after 6 hours

I’m at school now, when I get home I’ll send it again (and some more pictures too)

When does your school release you for break?

in fifteen minutes.

that was your last day of school

Unfortunately no, my school go until wednesday

anyways, the caliles map is working now

And here is a interestellar probe from a forgotten race, orbiting Helios

Horizon’s icy, fractured surface

Olympus showing all its greatness and power

One of the rare Apex vulcanoes.


oh man, i like what u made for me ty :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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