Out of Context

I’ll edit my post later today.

EDIT: Oops, wrong thread.

Is there french?? I thought it wasnt french :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

That is definitely not french.

It was I who allowed the ̶r̶e̶b̶e̶l̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶i̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ thrivists to know the location of the s̶h̶i̶e̶l̶d̶ ̶g̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ hidden text!
Im afraid
The hidden text
Will be quite operational
When the mods

Just to clarify, I was making a joke by misinterpreting a language I didn’t understand, and replying with nonsensical french

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A new omnipresence wrath is rising
A new power is rising
He is the Chosen One of the Thrivist Knights

Hmm… I wonder who could that be? He just so happens to have the same pfp as me…

I guess its sorted out

Anyone else that would like cloning hyyryläinen ? To speed up development? :crazy_face: All research should be redirected to this! The world will see the glory of the PERFECT SPORE

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I’ve suggested this before but so far no one has come forward with the technology to clone me.

Lovat question

Lovat… are you crazy

I say I’m not.
Just a coincident combination of the peak of my like for finland and germany in the last days, + thrive hype + and a little extrovert in the last days for some unknown reason

I don’t think you’re going crazy, but the Thrive hype is probably doing something… It happened to me on 4.0 when it was released.

Even with context vsauce is still hard to understand.

we have competitors, thrivists!

Yeah, every time I search Thrive there is always some other product. One of those products includes that. :laughing:

Also it’s co-hosted by the “Thrive Alliance” or whatever that is. Is it structured like a normal forum where there are different sections and such to post things?

Sometimes there are GAMES
execute order thrive
“remember the true and only maximum of the Sith”
“remember the true and only maximum of the evolution games”
“there can only be…two”
“a master and an apprentice”
“a old failed one, and a new perfect one”
“spore and thrive”
“onde to irradiate knowledge, one to get it”

But hasn’t Spore already died in a creative sense? I mean it hasn’t had an update years now.

Yes( post filler filler)

Oh i got it now

So spore is the darth plagueis the wise
and thrive the apprentice (darth sidious) who killed him.
he could simulate evolution of things, but not of himself
he could save species from death, but not itself

Almost all the billwurtz questions can be posted here because they don’t make a lot of sense out of context.

Good to know. :sweat_smile: