PC Setups

Necro! Bump! Bump! Bump!


Just a reminder for myself if I ever forget that new technology.

Surprising that we havenā€™t heard more about that. I remember just one LTT video about that from around that same time as that article came out. I wonder why nothing new has happened regarding that water cooling accessory?

Too bad that this accessory only works with WINDOWS 10!

I donā€™t have a PC, sadly.
Donā€™t want to remember the last time i had oneā€¦

what happened to it

I threw automine in the trash.
My dad loved automine more than me for some reason (automine was my favorite), so he banned me from the computer permanently.

What is a automine? I want ask

My pet cat plushie. Sheā€™s a calico, like how basically every other calico is a girl.

Donā€™t listen to them; automine is a mod for Minecraft.

then why it is not Auto-mine and plus no one wants throwing them into the trash because it is definity helpful

I am confused no one calls a pet cat plushie ā€œautomineā€.
Is automine a pet cat plushie or a minecraft mod or something else?

  • Automine is a minecraft mod.
  • Automine is a pet cat-plushie
  • Automine is something else.
0 voters

I am Automine.

Are you a cat plushie or a minecraft automation mod?
If not, then what?

I am in existence