So what is this new Forum Game? What is it about, where is it’s lore? What are it’s rules, example sheets and such?
Turns out that it won’t start off like a regular Forum Game…
Every person who joins this Forum Game instantly becomes both a Player and a GM (Game Master) of this Forum Game ; Only role people can have in this Forum Game is “Participant”.
All Participants are equal, so a vote of one Participant in a poll matters as much as a vote of another Participant ; There is no way to make one’s voice more important that other’s.
In order to add, change or remove rules, a Participant must first submit a proposal for adding, changing or removing a rule. After that is done, the collective of all Participants will vote in a poll on whetever the rule should pass and become part of the Forum Game, or if it should be changed or if it should be removed, and the poll shall always last 24 hours, so that any Participant on this planet can submit a vote. Over half of all Participants must vote “Yes” to the proposal for it to be accepted (so a tie wouldn’t make a rule pass, be changed or be removed).
In this Forum Game, a rule is a feature, so for instance a hunger statistic is considered one rule, along with it’s mechanics (such as decreasing in value over time).
- Core Rules (rules 1, 2, 3 and 4) are not possible to change nor to be removed, no matter what (even if another rule would justify changing or removing them).
The process of making a round: Participants say in a post after round X (or Forum Game’s beginning post) is posted whetever or not they want to make proposal(s) and if they have them, they submit them for other to vote on. After a proposal vote is finished, they say whetever or not will they submit another proposal(s) (don’t use this to submit the same proposal over and over again). One of the Participants has to write the next round, and so the one with desire to write it will post a 24 hour poll (with the same “voting rules” as the proposal poll) on becoming next round’s writer. Only one such poll is allowed at a time. If they do become the next round’s writer, they’ll have to wait with writing the next round until all Participants declared that they no longer have proposals to submit.
energy balance system: this rule adds 2 stats: energy gain, and energy usage. if your energy gain is higher than your energy usage you will get buffs (DISCLAIMER: buffed stats depend on non-core rules, types of energy also depend on non-core rules), this rule applies to all energy types you can use directly unless stated otherwise.
buffs added by this rule: energy surplus: [effects to be determined, must be good effects], soul energy surplus: [effects to be determined, must be better than the effects of energy surplus]
debuffs added by this rule: energy deficit [effects to be determined], soul energy deficit [effects to be determined, must be worse than energy deficit]
energy surplus is obtained by having your energy gain higher than your energy usage by more than 5, soul energy surplus is obtained by having your energy gain higher than your energy usage by 50
the energy deficit debuffs are the same but with {energy gain} and {energy usage} swapped -
Combat and level system:
How this would work is that every round, you could attack another player, damaging each other. Each player has amount of HP scaling with their level (n2, with n being the current level) and each hit does as much damage as your level number. For every amount of kills equal to your level number, you increase 1 level. -
Experience System
DESCRIPTION: When a player makes any action in a round, they get experience, basing on what action did they make, whetever or not did they succeed and on a dice of chance. After gathering enough experience, they level up. The higher level you are, the harder it is to level up (with the formula for this being n^2, with n being the current level, starting at level 1).
If you die, you lose a level. You cannot go below level 1 and you are invincible for 1 day after you increase a level. You heal 0.5 HP for every kill.
I had the idea for this Forum Game since a few weeks already, and I think that, if it gains enough popularity, it might become one of the “best” Forum Games of this Forum. While I’m technically the first Participant, I’ll wait until somebody else joins and makes a proposal. Also the third Forum Game I created!
We’ll see who will be the first to submit a proposal…