Planet Generator

Is there any plan for plate tectonics to be a part of the planet generator (especially when in Thrive proper)?


I found this on the dev forum that discuses plate tectonics, as for if this is set in stone I do not know


Yes. It’s a very complicated thing but it’s been discussed about in the context of generating planets. In the end though the person working on the planet generator will decide whether they add plate tectonics initially or if this goes into the pile of “can be eventually added but for now is not a high priority”.


That makes sense to me. I’m just hoping Thrive doesn’t have the static land masses like Spore has, plus the addition of tectonic plates could coincide with the addition of biomes for land based multicellular gameplay.

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By the time you get to really see the landmasses the timescales are so short that plate tectonics would have not much effect.

True, but it could be more useful in a god / sandbox mode that could be unlocked after finishing the game.

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iv been working on hell
Screenshot (547)