Kind of reminds me of that one discussion in Pangea Reformation where “a single bee defeating a mighty dragon nearing godhood” was brough up
scientific name: Pecuarius falsalamandra(from “falsus salamandra”, latin for false salamander)
common name: eater-egg(egg stage only), false salamander
M1 swimming legs
M2 thinner, sticky egg membrane
M3 phagocytic eggs(they pull in chunks of organic matter that get stuck to them and (normally) digest them)
M4 air sacs at the backs of the lungs
What exactly do mutations 2 and 3 do? M3 could probably increase strength/movement, as the younglings have more nutrients when developing, but what is the function of M3?
So that they have more materials/resources to develop with most likely
letting the eggs eat anything smaller than them that gets stuck to them, like algae and tiny plants
m2 makes the membrane thin enough for that to be realistic
Ok, I’ll add a food bonus in aquatic patches (rivers, lakes, oceans, etc
it also provides a realistically feasible(and already used by an ancestor of the yellow spotted salamander irl, tho they likely used a less survivable version, which is getting cut open and infected by an algae before the egg membrane sealed) method of obtaining new endosymbionts
I’ll keep that in mind. It’ll probably be relevant in a few rounds…
Alright, time for Volarae take #3 (how long will it take before I can finally complete this species…)
Scientific name: Pecuarius Maxillaavis
Regular name: Two-Headed Ompard
M1&2: The Digestive system is split up, giving rise into two digestive tracts (at the time of this mutation still connected to the same mouth)
M3: The Mouths also split up now, giving the illusion that P. Maxillaavis has two heads. Each “head”'s mouth leads to a seperate digestive system. One “head” is above the other (Both are of similar size)
M4: The upper “head”'s digestive system adapts more to consuming the remnants of fallen animals
Is it too late to join?
Scientific Name: Precuarius taurum
Common Name: Bull Ompard
M1: Gains a pair of horns on the sides of its head.
M2. A pair of eyes develop on top of its head.
M3. Its mutates a third pair of legs.
M4. Its gains a second tail, which can be moved independently of the first tail for communication purposes like warning or mating; this tail is above the first one.
Is the second tail like above the first one?
The tails are to the side of each other.
Hmm, then it’s strange that only one on one side has this extra functionality…
I can always change it later on, right?
Yeah, before the next round is released through.
Are you saying I can change it now? As in, you meant “though” instead of “through”.
It’s not too late, thanks for joining! And yes, you can change it before I release Round 1.
Ok! I changed to being above the first tail in my original post.
Looks like Round 1 will be releasing quite soon…
I’ve done most of it, It’ll hopefully come out within 24 hours of the first post…