Planet genesis

Yeah basically. And a few more, in the skull and jaw.


To be fair we are also listed as being “reptiles” despite not having scales listed. Check, it doesn’t seem like our critters even have teeth.

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A lot of things I didn’t list are included, as I didn’t think it was relevant. Yes teeth and bones are important, but it’s still a waste of time if it doesn’t affect anything.

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Pretty simple our reptiles are…

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My theory was that simple creatures would act as a “blank canvas” of sorts, allowing you to create whatever creature you want.

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And this solution also went around having to be a fish first.

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I’ve written most of round 2, just need @AnthropocenianAge 's mutations.


We’ll see just how long will this fast round streak last…


Probably only a week at most, so I need everyone’s mutations quickly to write more rounds.


At best we could have round up to the 7th if we assume all players manage to submit their votes within a day of the new round…


M1: Evolve webbed feet for moving in water/swimming.
M2: Evolves dinosaur herbivore teeth that have blade-like edge on one side and a series of ridges behind it for better mastication of plant matter.

With these mutations, I should be able to enter other biomes, right?

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Looks like we are going different teeth, lol

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Nah pretty sure me and anthro are both same direction unless he is going for a beak (dinosaur one) due to how sauropod teeth looks like (which is why they are conical teeth I refered to)

If one’s developing teeth, I doubt they would go for a beak, as beaks usually replace the teeth.

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Could be a step towards it, besides I am pretty sure hadrosaurs which had beaks also had grindeing teeth in the back of their mouths

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Right, one can have both at the same time.
I wonder if anybody’s going to go flight yet…
Also @CatSquared would flying fullfill the forest’s climbing requirement?


To be fair its quite interesting thing, though it limits them to sheering action not biting it off

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I wonder what will humans do when one of our species achieves sapience…

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“Sorry lil bro but only humanitiy was made in God’s image”

That’s what I imgine

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I guess Humanity will be more active in regards to the critters than the Sol I timeline humanity

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